Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Implausible Plausibility

Is your plausibility structure implausible? Do you have an idea what I’m talking about? Has your mazeway been re-synthesized in your adult lifetime? You know a conversion of personality experience? What about your connections to people in your primary through tertiary equivalence structures? Are they working for you? Can you function outside the parameters of rules and do you know when parameters took the place of perimeters?

Pondering the above question is what happens when intelligent liberal arts people lose their fucking minds. I am definitely on my way.
I was in Wall mart today at 2 p.m and I saw some big guy looking at a flowered bathing suit. I was about to consider that he was some loser when I realized that there I was on his team no better or worse. I was Wall mart afternoon guy just like him and maybe I wasn’t sizing up flowed shorts but ultimately I would purchase a greasy on the outside bag of gourmet dog treats.

The theory behind plausibility structures is that we become like those around us. You hang around Wall Mart then you are Wall Mart guy. You work in a public high school you become multi lingual redneck hip hop guy. You work in a mental institution you become crazy guy.

There are these teachers who work inside a rigid system of behavior modification who prompt autistic kids for behaviors and reward them with picture stickers placed on a grid. God bless the teachers but they are all the way fucking nuts.

Born again zealots who talk to spirits are all over the place. Do you think that’s normal? People have been having conversions for thousands of years but when you begin to talk to angels who call you out by your name—Yo Freddogg!’—consider yourself all the way fucking nuts.

There’s a plausibility structure I never entered although it was logical for me to experience a mazeway re-synthesis and that is Lacrosse parent tailgater and expert. What the fuck is wrong with these people. “Yes, it’s a wonderful game, the fastest game on two feet, yes, I’m sure you wish they had the game when you were in high school. By the way, can you say, ”No black people.” But let’s leave Duke Lacrosse out of this lesson.

I’m looking for a group to help me define who I am. I could use a conversion experience. Like a lonely gypsy I’m just looking for a Happy Medium.

Peace Freddogg

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