Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Cycle of Abuse

Duct tape a couple 10 years old to their desks while also taping their mouths shut and right away they cry to their parents and the parents claim the little pampered maniacs were traumatized.
Do you have any idea how many times nuns traumatized me during my primary school years? No joke, my dad who had M.S. and walking with a cane accompanied me to my first day of first grade in North Philly. I walked right into a cast iron lamp post, caught the entire thing with my face and my father fell over from laughter. An hour later Sister Euphemia repressed and hostile having elected for a life with no sexual euphoria smacked me in my 7 year old head as hard as she could and said, ”Get that smirk off your face.”
“This is my face, ”I responded. “And I’m not holding hands with the boy next me whose name also begins with F as in “Fat Boy” and I don’t care how many times you smack me you craggy faced penguin bitch!” –Yea that’s what I said, you’d better believe it! I should have been so lucky as to be taped to a chair. They didn’t even have duct tape when I was a student. I’d have been sheep shanked with a Tarzan rope that grew tighter around my neck every time I moved.

That’s why I think the cycle of violence is a bunch or horseshit and that goes for the cycle of everything including sexual abuse. Uncle Ernie “messed with me” so you had better believe when I get to a position of physical dominance I’m going to do the same thing to little people. “Bullshit! It’s Pure and unimaginative, psychobabble horseshit.

I was physically destroyed every year of my Catholic education and later became a teacher. I never hit a kid, twisted his arm, picked him up by the sideburns, kicked him in the calf, none of those things. And I never wanted to. So what happened to the cycle of violence? No it wasn’t displaced aggression because I never kicked the family dog either.

It’s not what the teacher did, it’s the judgments behind the act of doing it. “You’re fired because you’re a stupid Mo Fo, Yo! It ain’t about duct tape. This was never about Duct tape. You don’t like it, go on the Maurry PO-Bitch show, who it turns out was abused as a child and married a Chinese woman and let’s stop there before I open my torture joke book.

Speaking of which when did Rumsfield and Bush convince our nation that torturing naked prisoners with lesbians, hot wires and German Sheppard’s not t mention actually out of work Sheppards was culturally acceptable?

Does anyone else see a problem with all this cycle of abuse theory? I mean how freaking sick are we?

Peace Love Tranquility and Harmony-Celibacy plus reality = hostility.

Dr. Freddogg

I love your blog-site or spot, whatever it's called. I've had a severe case of laryngitis for the past 2 weeks and at least I can run my mouth here!!! I know that just makes your day,right?

About the cycle of teachers always put the fear of God into me and most of my classmates. I was scared to open my mouth most of the time (I guess I've overcome that fear). In high school, however, I did chat it up quite a bit and my 12th grade history teacher(a normally docile woman) broke a yard stick over my desk. She had repeatedly asked me to stop talking but I just couldn't comply...I was chatting with Anne Marie Doyle, (I remember), a transplanted New Yorker who I found fascinating...her accent and all...I just loved to hear her talk! The poor history teacher didn't share my love of the girl's voice...or- mine and she blew a fuse. I remember that huge yardstick coming down on my desk and breaking into 2 enormous lengths of wood. It sounded like a lightening bolt hit my desk. I remember thinking "well damn, she's uptight today" and just looking at her like she was crazy. She looked wild, like some type of animal being poked with a stick. I think she retired that year.
I sent more than a few teachers into therapy and I'm not proud of it but I'm lying becuase I don't mind. Play the game and take your chances!
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