Wednesday, April 05, 2006



I have this suppressed memory of being a young boy “motorvating” down a two lane road on an early morning weekday in an old car with a big back seat surrounded by a herd of fat nasty women. I was hitchhiking and was pulled into the car by my polo shit collar and the jokes and probes began and yes I felt like a redneck abducted by aliens.

I could smell their sweat and see the red marks that stretch waist bands made on their fat white bellies. About five of them, all unnatural, all fat, and all seeking genetic revenge. I was like a pure breed puppy in a third world dog pound. One of them licked my ear, not like a pointed tongue probe, but spit filled lapping.

I was only going a couple of miles and when I came to my stop they invited me to stay but let me out. I knew I escaped unimaginable horror because the beasts from the Fifties were bigger and nastier than today like two handed cream donuts at a cheap price.

There are too many stories in the news today of “Teacher Women” having sex with young boys and I find it disturbing, nasty and unnatural and somebody needs to just punch these bimbos in the face, the fat freaking losers, and that goes for the cute ones too.


Tell it brother!!!!! I guess I should be relieved that my son (he has not reached his growth spurt yet)would most likely not appeal to women in their late twenties or early thirties. Was this going on in the early 1970's when I was in junior high and high school and I was too stupid to know it? I could not have imagined "dating" my 50+ year old algebra teacher.I would rather have died a slow and gruesome death.This unsavory practice of responsible professionals taking advantage of their positions needs to come to a screeching halt.Keep at 'em freddogg!!!!!
Students are the children of our communities adults and they need to be protected by all of use especially people in positions of trust.
I remember back in 1970 I ws in front of a seventh grade class and I was reading info from my drivers license just to prove how many worls aprt we were. It had my weight at 220 pounds and some girl said,"22o pounds.Boy are you old!" She should see me now but ironically she was blind but perceptive.
Most.close to all teachers don't have anything to do with this lecherousness but anyone who crosses the line gets thier face in the creepy cabinet of sexual offenders and even that's too good for them
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