Sunday, April 23, 2006


Rapping with Rapists

Check the link above for recent seven page News Week account of the alleged rape of a black stripper by three white guys inside a Duke Lacrosse house

I have rapped with rapists on lockdown. I’ve interviewed a few, including a serial rapist with his own title, “The Trolley Square Rapist.” I know that rape is a crime of violence committed by a man with a hard-on , the same goes for the pyromaniac. “It’s not about sex” is a bit of a poor description when someone is sodomizing an overweight, wigged, stoned and drunk stripper. Are there people out there who are that sick? Absolutely there are but that level of deviant behavior doesn’t happen spontaneously. And if three white guys did that to an older black woman you think she doesn’t know where to go to get some juice. Why what allegedly happened didn’t provoke a “black attack” on that white house of privilege is a mystery to me unless it was a story not likely to play well back on the campus of N.C. Central.

So at the hospital she is examined and let’s be blunt the condition of her vagina is consistent with someone who has been raped. Maybe so, but it may also be consistent with someone who gives it up frequently and considered no DNA linked to the lax guys the next logical question is there must be DNA not belonging to the victim or the lax guys so like where is that person or persons. Not even Rita Cosby whom Don Imus calls “that fat cow” has raised that question.

Somewhere in the story also is the woman making comments to some boys questioning their masculinity or virility and I can only suppose it was in the category of “white guys having little Jimmies” so maybe some retaliated be calling her a name she wouldn’t like.

The last time I witness a white person call a black person a nigger was 30 years ago in a football locker room. Two good friends were horsing around like they did after every practice when the black one stung the bare assed white one with a major league towel snap. “The white guy broke bad and shouted, ”It ain’t funny, you fucking nigger.” “The black player who went on in his life to earn a masters degree while the white guy died young of alcoholism just smiled a broad smile and said, ”Well there you are.”

I can’t see properly raised athletes condoning for a second the use of racial slurs. That’s just ignorant and I guarantee several teammates would shut down anyone who came loose with that type of verbiage. And they would also shut down a flash fire three on one rape in a small bathroom. An experienced stripper says, ”small Jimmie” and the small Jimmies come out to play? I don’t think so!

If any or all of those accused actually did do this then I hope they get them and they go to jail .I have no horse or ho in this fight. The difference is some students from N.C. Central said they hope the guys go down, innocent or guilty, to make up for all the injustices of the past and present.

I was in my high school classroom playing a little radio when the O.J. Simpson verdict was announced. The class had 30 college prep students but only a few black ones. “Not guilty” was read and Delores, an African American, nice and smart as anything, dove from her seat to the floor and shouted “Yes!”

I asked Delores, ”Do you think O.J. was innocent and that justice was served?”
‘I don’t care,” she said. “We needed a win. And anyway you know that white cop Furman was a racist.”

There in lies the danger of using elements of truth that are offensive to the sensibilities of all good people to prove a story that is in basically untrue.

Please comment and tell me what you think about this case.



Hey Freddogg,
I read the Newsweek article and all I can say is what a mess. It appears that EVERYONE involved in this incident was impaired (drunk, drugged, whatever) and none of them actually knows what happened that night. I remember going to frat parties years ago and thinking to my self"oh crap, this is over my head" the drinking and carrying on...I was at a Theta Xi party on Halloween and the frat house literally burned to the ground.The fire dept. couldn't do a thing but just let it burn...we could have all been killed. Wild nights usually lead to big trouble and sometimes all the money in the world can't save you.The politics in this case will be interesting to watch... the lawyers...the DA and all the silly games they play with each other. don't get me started on lawyers...
When the Wild Wild nights start the longer they continue the more bizarre behaviors possible but just like hypnotism can't make a person do something they wouldn't do otherwise so too is the case with alcohol with the possible exception of tequila.
Guilty of bad judement. You could apply this statement to both parties of this lawsuit... What women in her right mind would go to a house full of college men to strip without protection? What group of stupid college guys would get a stipper to come over solo or with one other woman and expect it to be no big deal? My son is just a little boy, but I know when he grows up, he will check out strip clubs and have a great interest in sex, but I hope he respects women and avoids putting himself in a position where he can be accused of something horrific. I can totally see kids getting carried away after drinking, but rape is pretty serious and much more than getting carried away. Personally, I dont think anything over than stupid stripper and stupid college boys took place based on DNA and so forth, but really- do you think either party thinks the original "act" is worth it? If something really happened to the woman, well, that is horrible. Was it at the hands of the boys currently being charged? maybe not. No one really knows what happened and I am waiting to cast any judgement, ther than both parties were pretty stupid- black, white whatever.
One more could no DNA have been found on the stripper's "person" that matched the guys' DNA if she in fact had been sexually assaulted. Also, has the media released blood test results concerning GHB...the infamous "date rape" drug? I've heard that if an individual isn't tested for GHB almost immediately that the drug will leave the body before proof can be obtained. I think the other stripper is aiming at GHB being involved. And what IS the evidence that Nifong possesses that he claims will prove the guys are guilty...?Too many questions and WAY too many drunk/drugged participants.Ahhhh, college days.
I remember when Polish place kicker for the raiders sabastian Janakowski was arrested for gHB possession and his defense was that he was using it on himself.
Nifong is a moron I think. When Kobe walked in Colorado you didn't see white skiers rioting in the streets and setting trams on fire. I hope people remember that.
Even if GHB was found in her blood that doesn't prove that the Duke guys gave it to her...and there is no way to prove that they did. I'm sorry I don't think that these guys are guilty of anything but behaving like idiots. I believe that something went on after the stripper left the "party house" if you could call it that. Nifong seems to be influenced very easily by those around him...politicians,lawyers,rats and all species of vermin...ugh.
Remember when Coach Bob Knight would choke a player it was always a white one but then latrell Spreewell chcoked P.J. Carlisimo and lost millions in salary. Remember when those stories were fun.
What about U of Colordo football rape allegations and Lasalle University basketball party rape allegations. Both those cases were dropped
Nifong is a dumbass. This whole case looks ugly to me, currently I've seen NOTHING to prove that anything happened as the stripper reported it. No DNA and then the fact that Seligmann wasn't even there when whatever happened went down.
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