Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Multisystemic Family Therapy

Take a summer driving vacation through the ecosystem that produces dysfunctional families of sociopaths Yep just pack the kiddies and soccer balls and lacrosse sticks in the old SUV and take a tour of you nearest urban ghetto. Tell your children “the next time you whine ‘it ain’t fair” your sorry asses are getting dropped off here on the wrong side of the booty tracks for the weekend.”

There is a new form of family therapy under the beach umbrella of social ecology and it’s called multisystemic therapy or MST if you want them to conduct an inservice for a group of burnt out public school teachers because inside the private schools of privilege they definitely do not play with this shit. With the MST approach a counselor from a public school is sent into a home where they have a better chance of being raped and murdered or murdered then raped then getting everyone to anyone to stop throwing sharp to blunt implements of destructive instruction at all living creatures and calling each other mother fuckers.

Imagine taking your silly little Masters in Counseling degree and going for a home visit where mom is a manic depressive stoned on marijuana while the other five half siblings all connected to the mother and an unrelated absent father somewhere in the neighborhood and have a history of throwing knives at each other.

And trust me there are plenty of shirtless white sociopaths, that’s right mom too, because we’ve all seen them on cops and they are littered all over the off road countryside of the good old USA worried about Mexicans coming across the boarder and taking the jobs they have no intention of showing up for.

MST is a theory based on the premise that all of the causes of antisocial behavior should be attacked at once. Let me give them a heads up. If you “attack” anti social behaviors inside the bonus room controlled by manically stoned yet still depressed mommy and her knife throwing children you had better dress like a state cop giving a canine demonstration and bring the canine along because while they’re killing the dog you may have time to escape.

I remember one time when a pair of 16 year old “Crack Heads in Love” were delivered 25 minutes late to my Civics Class because a Hall Monitor on a donut run saw them walking down the road.

I told her to give them each a donut and to drop them back where she found them because I definitely wasn’t signing for a special Crack Head delivery in the middle of Civics class and their lesson for the day was “show up sober and on time or stay the fuck out.”

A few years later this boy made the news for breaking out of a level 5 Violators of Parole facility sprinting out to the highway where he met up with the same girl who had stolen a car. The drove to the hills of Carolina figuring they had a good chance of blending there.

If only MST therapy had been in place perhaps they could have been saved. I’m talking about the Carolinians.

Imagine a counselor showing up at your door because your kids had school related problems. ‘I’m here to work this through inside the social ecosystem that spawned these anti social behaviors of your little asshole children. Are you the recalcitrant and contrary father I’ve heard so much about over inappropriate and unauthorized not to mention totally unprofessional faculty room conversations with the custodians? “

“That’s me. Step inside our humble commode. Why are you dressed like a stuffed sofa?’”

Peace Freddogg

That was not a swipe or wipe at Carolinians ib my mind I'm always going to Carolina.
Well, okay...I'll give you that one. And I suppose Delaware is really not considered "yankee"anyway...not in the strictest definition. But boy did I catch hell for my "accent" while I was there...I didn't even know I had an accent. And when the waitress asked me if I wanted sugar on my grits, I had to take a "moment" to snap back to reality. Sugar on grits, my oh my.My lawd.
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