Monday, September 25, 2006


Green Day for Chocolate City

White Dog and his Chocolate Buddy
Mayor Ray Nagen is not the bozo he is portrayed to be by the white media which is all media outside BET and Jet. George Bush is proof that every moron on the street shouldn’t be told he can grow up and be President.
New Orleans is a Chocolate City just like Nagen said, the birthplace of Jazz and the New Orleans Jazz who moved to Utah and kept the name, how freaking ironic was that as Karl Malone was the only black person in the state.
And now the Monday Night NFL football extravaganza and reopening of the Superdome is upon us. The only Saints marching into the Superdome for Katrina salvation were trusting people of color or really confused caucasions.
Now here comes the post Katrina let's all be proud of America bullshit. And it is going to be embarrassing. A league where 95 percent of players who touch the ball are black and 90 percent of the defensive players are also. I have a nephew who played defense for five years in the NFL. Every Sunday the inside joke was Count The White Guys. Maybe the NFL is also a Chocolate league?

So who do they get to perform? U2 and Green Day. Get Nellie. Get Usher. Tracy Champan. Hootie. Get a chocolate face you morons!! Previous post Janet Jackson Superbowls were Paul McCartney and the Rolling Kidney Stones and before that Big and Rich entertaining at halftime of the NBA all star game. Charles Barkley said, ”You white people have to get over Janet Jackson. “And when is the last time you saw a black person listening to Beatles music?

There are many films made by white people that portray people of color who hate their own race. If you are white and Cracker on other white people they call you a Wigger and I guess if you stick up for Mexicans you’re a Wexican?

The NFL is going to White Up Chocolate New Orleans tonight and after Katrina it is going to be downright embarrassingly stupid. Count how many Chocolate people are holding tickets for this game. Let’s just hope Bush is smart enough to stay off the Jumbotron becuase Clinton wasn't, know what I'm sayin?


Hey I loved it when Ray Nagen let a couple of choice curse words fly out at FEMA on national tv. He was obviously terribly frustrated and angry...with good reason.The news kept playing that scene over and over and "bleeping" his chosen words. I wonder if former Carolina Panthers quarterback Kerry Collins still plays for the New Orleans Saints?
you are confushing Collins with Connick as in harry junior who is in better shape more community oriented and better voice.
Thank god fats Domino didn't bob away when the levees broke.
I believe Kerry is in Tennessee
Is he playing for the Titans? I have been wondering about him ever since my sorry ass southern "if you don't act like us, we don't like your ass" town treated him like crap because they all thought he drank too much...which he may have...but that didn't give them the right to boo and hiss when he came onto the field.He was a good quarterback and Charlotte NC treated him rather poorly.Just wait, if Jake Delhomme doesn't get cracking soon, they'll do the same thing to him.This town isn't very loyal to sports teams or athletes.
Collins is with Titans this is his 12th season. He is a survivor
I am happy to hear that.I really felt bad for him while he was with the Panthers.
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