Tuesday, September 26, 2006



Bill Clinton did the Old Guy Snap on Fox News interviewer Chris Wallace yesterday while subconsciously humming the aging baby boomer refrain “I hate everybody especially you.”

Those of us who reach 60 just don’t take no shit from no one no more and that would include me if Clinton snapped in my face. “I just know you ain’t snapping on me Billy! I just know that can’t be happening.”

It reminds me of the joke where the Pope offers his ring to kiss to some street urchin back alley kid from the slums of Rome and the kid says, ”Fuck you!”

“Son, my child, do you know who I am? I am the Pope, the Vicar of Rome, I am Saint Peter of planet earth, infallible in matters of religion and theology. I am the rock upon which the church was built .I am pastor of the flock, the Captain of the Catholic Sea. I wear a miter and carry a staff.

Fuck me? Fuck you!!!!

Billy has come a long way since inviting hawk nosed Paula Jones into his hotel room and saying, ”Don’t you think it’s ironic for a liberal like me to bend to the right.”

Peace Political Freddogg

Hey you know I've never understood that "ring kissin' thang" but maybe that's because I'm not Catholic and was raised "down here in dumbassville". But, all things considered,if it makes people feel good or helps them in their struggles, more power to them.Although, I still don't get it. I can't visualize myself kissing a ring.
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