Monday, October 16, 2006
What do you call a sexually excited 45 year old man alone at a keyboard impersonating a 12 year old girl in a chat room? That’s right, an FBI agent. And what do you call the 27 year old heterosexual fully employed male about to be duped and arrested? A freaking internet predator that’s what, as entrapment and the Patriot Act uncover a sleazy side of life previously unknown to all except urban smut peddlers and franchised pep show providers who went 24/7 before 7/11 was even a concept.
Last week in my home community the strangest, sickest and silliest thing happened and it certainly isn’t funny but in a way it kind of is because no one got hurt.
A local guy was arrested in another state and extradited back to Delaware to face internet predator charges. The worse news is not that his intended target was a 45 years old federal agent with back hair and not that his picture was all over the newspaperS. No, the worst news is he was voted out of his fantasy football league and his team went on the auction block causing a bit of a bidding war because I guess since fantasy is the way he rolls he was a pretty good owner.
The guy even went so far as to object to his disenfranchisement on the message board saying such things as “And I thought you guys were my friends.”
Isn’t a fine line this world of point and click and drag and drop fantasy? So much of America is sitting down staring into windows with a wireless mouse in the right hand. Fantasy leagues and fantasy games and misrepresentation in a chat room are all too closely connected if you ask me.
This guys sex life and life in general has just been downgraded to doubtful as everyone awaits CAT Scan results of his head.
Coach Freddogg