Friday, November 03, 2006
What is the over/under of a fence slowing down the massive Central American human Flight to Freedom? "Cisco kid was a friend of mine! He drink water Pancho drink the wine" War
This is the first Friday of the month and did you know that if you go to Catholic mass for nine first Fridays in a row and receive holy communion that you have etched yourself a row house in heaven not on the same block as the departed clergy and not water view but with a cool little garden out front and no crack heads hanging on the corner.
Martin Luther King said if you want to see segregation in America wait until Sunday because there are still white and black churches while most Hispanics are Catholic which means white because amazingly you aren’t going to see a significant Latino “laity in all gayety” rocking and rolling during a black church service.
Did you see two weeks ago that President Bush signed a bill approving construction of a 700 mile fence along the border between Texas and Mexico? The price tag was somewhere between two and eight billion. Political pundits joked that Halliburton would be subcontracted to build it but we all know that the only people who could “get after and complete” the building of a 700 mile wall are Mexicans. “
Thanks for the interlocking pavers and perfectly pointed brick façade hombres now go back to the underbelly of opulence and stay there because in spite of all your innate abilities to build and take things apart we know there is no way you can ever figure how to beat the man made barrier rivaling the Great Wall of China. Just one question: How do you write “Keep Out” in Spanish?