Wednesday, November 01, 2006
But what is the quintessential truth Ruth? What is the make up of the current American Military? Is it reflective of the American social stratification network as tied to education and class structure as pegged to economics? The answer is no and it doesn’t matter what John Kerry says or John McCain or Bush or Limbaugh because all those people mentioned are fucking millionaires last time I checked.
We are a nation where politics and government are mostly controlled by a network millionaires and Ivy League legacy privileged people. We are an elitist society that is really good at making jokes we just can’t take jokes.
The current volunteer Army lackS significant membership from the middle class and trust me there is no upper class unless they get to play with the money earned from middle class labor. That’s why in capitalism we all can’t be rich otherwise we’d be socialist who don’t get to drive Escaldes and own beach houses.
Do you know about the back door draft and 45 year old reservists doing multiple tours of Iraq? Then go read something else! You can'T sell this war on college campuses because those students just ain’t buying.
Oh there are many coming out of military connected academies and universities who are among the best and brightest and toughest young people this country has to offer no question about it. But this is also a war fought by an economic underclass with a vision to improve their own lot in a system that dealt them a low card right out of the chute.
Kerry is a stupid fucker married to a rich bitch so who cares about him and his boat and Mekong Delta and get on with your life John and go raise money for some new bars at the local VFW’s.
Draft everyone 19 thru 26 and that will inspire a national debate on this policy but until the heat is turned up under us all we’ll continue to have millionaires arguing as to who is the better patriot.