Friday, December 22, 2006


The P Word

If I were god I would get us today! I left my satellite radio on the hard core rap station the last two days and I’d have to conclude that the shit I heard was funny to a point but mostly stupid and an insult to whomever it is supposed to represent and anyone who imitates the language pattern ain’t gettin no real job no time soon all up in here know what the fuck I’m talkin about?

Then the Duke rape case became the Duke penetrated with something not a penis in someplace not the Vagina case and if I heard one more mainstream media person or that Colonel Sanders looking defense lawyer say penis one more time I was going to call in and say, ”Don’t say penis because no one in the real world uses that word so just shut up.”

Then the Saturday Night Live uncensored skit of the white rappers giving their girlfriends a Christmas present and the rap titled “dick in a box” which is a lot funnier than penis in a box.

We have debased our culture but the better news is the sickest bastards are vacationing in Thailand and maybe the tsunami wasn’t a divine wakeup call but keeping talking about bitches and penetration but not with a penis and singing ‘Dick In A Box” songs and god is going to become a hardcore playa because degradation is one thing but lack of cleverness and comedy is just plain shameful.

Freddogg Outta The Box

One: cut a hole in the box
Two: put your junk in that box
Three: Open the box
That is how you do it!
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