Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Post Roasty

This is an actual before and after MRI. Imaging is everything.

You can't make up George. He is hilarious.
I saw her today. She was incongruent and not in harmony with her appointed Christmas task. She was the obese mailcarrier, rolling mail in a canvas bag, supported by four wheels, across a paved parking lot. How can you deliver tons of mail and still support tons of fat? She had a match up problem and an image problem but nontheless there she was crossing my path like a black cat except she wasn’t a cat or black but nonetheless I saw her as a symbol of bad luck and was reminded that we are all incongruous at tmes.
Did you ever tell someone the truth and have them look you up and down and give that subtle look like”Yea I’m sure you went to college on a basketball scholarship or “you used to run marathons and do triathlons faster than me? What happened to you? "
Personally I get those looks too when I tell someone,”No, actually I’m here to buy a Christmas tree just like you. You’ll have to dig it up yourself.”
I once had a mid thirties guy who fancied himself a basketball player say,”They tell me that Fredman was ‘the man” when it came to basketball and I said,”Fredman? The man? No kidding?”
I guess “fuck you, you no count, narrow shouldered, punk ass” was a bit of an over reaction but if there’s a game afoot I am always a player.
Imagine you didn’t know George Bush but you were sitting in a saloon drinking with him for three hours. Then you asked, “So you are retired what did you used to do?”
“Well I was President of the United States for eight years and before that I was Governor of Texas and before that General Manager of the Texas Rangers and before that I flew fighter planes and way back I graduated from Yale.”
At that moment I’d have pegged him as a standup comedian and a pretty good one.
Are you in harmony and have you reached your destiny or were you supposed to be something else and what would that be? This is an extrapolation of the "trapped in the wrong body" horseshit.
I'm outted! Freddogg