Monday, January 29, 2007
Urban versus Country Hobo. Compare and contrast.

Whatever happened to bums and hobos? How come Skid Row isn’t fun anymore? And how come no “Homeless Men” look like Fabian Forte? Why is everyone a Gestaltist, you know, full boat, the entire package? It’s like, if I’m going to be Homeless, I’m going to look Homeless, otherwise your look makes no sense at all, like the spiffy Homeless guy or the Clothes Horse in the alley..
I’m not only not Homeless but multiple not Homeless with a 4 car garage in Delaware and a heated row house in Pennsylvania. I am opulent and corpulent at times decadent but never impotent.
I used to tell high school kids that they were one knocked downed argument with parents away from being Homeless. That’s why so many people lean on other people but if you get kicked out and got no job and no car and no benefactor you are instantly homeless and if that were to happen to me I imagine it is an easier life inside the distorted reality of drugs and alcohol and nasty underwear.
Twenty years ago I wrote a column item about the New York Marathon and how nice it was that the leisure class of distance runners left tattered clothes in trees that were picked up by the busload then transported and donated to Homeless shelters. I wrote that the Homeless themselves never ran the New York City marathon because they were always stopping to take naps on the subway grates.
Tens of readers were outraged and appalled and dropped their subscriptions because I didn’t spell out the glaring and pathletic disparity but rather let their own outrage magnify it. I often thought at the end of my dual careers which are upon me now to exercise my right to retire as a Homeless slug on the streets of a big city because Small town Homelessness is really lame because you know everybody. "Hey I gave your sorry ass a quarter yesterday! Get a job!"
How many homeless home grown people could the monies spent on the Iraq war shelter? Yes the answer is all of them.
Soup Dog Fred

Whatever happened to bums and hobos? How come Skid Row isn’t fun anymore? And how come no “Homeless Men” look like Fabian Forte? Why is everyone a Gestaltist, you know, full boat, the entire package? It’s like, if I’m going to be Homeless, I’m going to look Homeless, otherwise your look makes no sense at all, like the spiffy Homeless guy or the Clothes Horse in the alley..
I’m not only not Homeless but multiple not Homeless with a 4 car garage in Delaware and a heated row house in Pennsylvania. I am opulent and corpulent at times decadent but never impotent.
I used to tell high school kids that they were one knocked downed argument with parents away from being Homeless. That’s why so many people lean on other people but if you get kicked out and got no job and no car and no benefactor you are instantly homeless and if that were to happen to me I imagine it is an easier life inside the distorted reality of drugs and alcohol and nasty underwear.
Twenty years ago I wrote a column item about the New York Marathon and how nice it was that the leisure class of distance runners left tattered clothes in trees that were picked up by the busload then transported and donated to Homeless shelters. I wrote that the Homeless themselves never ran the New York City marathon because they were always stopping to take naps on the subway grates.
Tens of readers were outraged and appalled and dropped their subscriptions because I didn’t spell out the glaring and pathletic disparity but rather let their own outrage magnify it. I often thought at the end of my dual careers which are upon me now to exercise my right to retire as a Homeless slug on the streets of a big city because Small town Homelessness is really lame because you know everybody. "Hey I gave your sorry ass a quarter yesterday! Get a job!"
How many homeless home grown people could the monies spent on the Iraq war shelter? Yes the answer is all of them.
Soup Dog Fred
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Soup Dog,
All that education and experience and you haven't learned that being homeless usually ain't just about money? For many homeless people it is as much a state of mind as it is a state of being. While very few people CHOOSE to be homeless, they also CHOOSE not to do the things necessary to avoid being homeless. It's one of life's great ironies - people choosing a life station lower than they need to. Why? Simply because they can, they live in the land of the free. God bless America!
Subculture Warrior
All that education and experience and you haven't learned that being homeless usually ain't just about money? For many homeless people it is as much a state of mind as it is a state of being. While very few people CHOOSE to be homeless, they also CHOOSE not to do the things necessary to avoid being homeless. It's one of life's great ironies - people choosing a life station lower than they need to. Why? Simply because they can, they live in the land of the free. God bless America!
Subculture Warrior
people choosing a lifestation lower than they need to . Do they choose homelessness or is it a consequence of not buying in to lets say a regular job or sobriety? I think maybe I just said what you said.
I use to cruise Vine Street back in the 60's becuase I was fascinated with those whose lives had hit the skids.
Then there's the whole mental illness schizophrenia model with social workers running amoke accosting the paranoid" Do you want a sandwich?"
I use to cruise Vine Street back in the 60's becuase I was fascinated with those whose lives had hit the skids.
Then there's the whole mental illness schizophrenia model with social workers running amoke accosting the paranoid" Do you want a sandwich?"
Soup Dog,
One last comment on the homeless. Have you ever noticed that America has never had "outgoing" refugees trying to flee the country? Refugees are the genuine homeless, as they are escaping serious hardship and peril, typically imposed upon them.
If we appease the tyranny of Islamo-facism abroad I fear it won't be long before there will be genuine American refugees.
Subculture Warrior
One last comment on the homeless. Have you ever noticed that America has never had "outgoing" refugees trying to flee the country? Refugees are the genuine homeless, as they are escaping serious hardship and peril, typically imposed upon them.
If we appease the tyranny of Islamo-facism abroad I fear it won't be long before there will be genuine American refugees.
Subculture Warrior
Wow! That's the first time I've seen homlessness linked to Islamo-facism abroad.
I read a story this morning of a homeless guy in Saint Louis who is tearing up the Senior softball league is the leading homerun hitter and a shortstop but won't give up the info on who he is?
I read a story this morning of a homeless guy in Saint Louis who is tearing up the Senior softball league is the leading homerun hitter and a shortstop but won't give up the info on who he is?
It's got to be Mark McGwire. He probably looks 30 years older since he stopped taking the roids. My second guess would be George Thorogood, or maybe even Alec Baldwin.
All three of them are probably Islmo-fascists since IF's are everywhere now. Saw some at the Popeye's Chicken on Rt. 1 last night - creepy. They were wearing Joe Biden for President t-shirts and practicing Neil Kinnock speeches. They had the speeches down, but not the British accent. Ya think Joe sent them down to Sussex County to soften us up?
I love 24, but Jack's brother has to go. He doesn't even look Islamic.
Paranoia Hilton
It's got to be Mark McGwire. He probably looks 30 years older since he stopped taking the roids. My second guess would be George Thorogood, or maybe even Alec Baldwin.
All three of them are probably Islmo-fascists since IF's are everywhere now. Saw some at the Popeye's Chicken on Rt. 1 last night - creepy. They were wearing Joe Biden for President t-shirts and practicing Neil Kinnock speeches. They had the speeches down, but not the British accent. Ya think Joe sent them down to Sussex County to soften us up?
I love 24, but Jack's brother has to go. He doesn't even look Islamic.
Paranoia Hilton
Paranoia Hilton---I love that name
Just read a story of gay rodeos and I want the tee shirt which reads "If you can rope me you can ride me."
They have Steer Decorating and Goat Dressing where a team of three is time on how fast they can put a pair of jockey shorts on a goat.
IFF's for sure
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Just read a story of gay rodeos and I want the tee shirt which reads "If you can rope me you can ride me."
They have Steer Decorating and Goat Dressing where a team of three is time on how fast they can put a pair of jockey shorts on a goat.
IFF's for sure
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