Friday, February 09, 2007


Crimson and Clover

Sleek woman replaces fat old white guy as Harvard President!

Postulate ridiculously and counter argue vociferously. That is the academic arena where all presented theories are plausible until proven implausible.

Last year at a Math and Science Conference for women at MIT the President of Harvard, Lawrence Summers, postulated that “intrinsic aptitude could help explain why fewer women than men reach the highest ranks of science and math in universities.” He made that remark to a conference for women in Math and Science and “the bitches went crazy.”

Now it could be totally one hundred percent traditional cultural discrimination that accounts for this disparity or it could be that Lawrence Summers was right. He postulated that sex “could be a determiner” which promptly indicted anyone representing that sex who just flat out couldn’t entertain that notion as in –“don’t rock the boat baby.”

Harvard just announced that Drew Gilpin Faust will be named the first woman President of Harvard in its 371 year history. This is a scary story because it proves to me that although no truths are self evident which must pretend that they are.

Harvard just went scientifically stupid to quiet the maelstrom. I want to see a crew all women build a 747 from conception to completion then I want to see them fly it with a cargo of 700 men across the Pacific Ocean.

I love and respect all women; my wife is smarter than me in absolutely everything including math and science. Am I getting on that plane on its maiden form voyage?

As we Tom Turkey’s say, ”Not this Gobbler!”

Professor Freddogg

My Dear Professor Freddogg,

A fine mess you've gotten us into this time!

How could you spend 35 of the most enlightened and politically correct years in public education without knowing for certain that there is absolutely no difference between men and women? Are you daft, man?

However, you did get one thing right - your wife is smarter than you. An intelligent husband KNOWS God made his wife to be smarter. How? Because He gave 'em control of the population! Even Winston Churchill got it with his "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" quote.

Ol' Winnie gave us a hint of what he was gettin' at with the "rocks the cradle" part. That's 1940s speak for "controls the entire reproductive process"

We men are so stupid that we envision powerful women as Amazons, while size has nothing to do with it. To a women size means nothing - they know they merely have to have one to succeed at controling and managing men. As the old locker room saying goes, "If God didn't give 'em one nobody would have anything to do with them!"

Should I keep going, or do you think we've pissed 'em off enough yet?


Archie Bunker
Let's stick with faith,are you getting on that airplane or not?
Faith, hmmm. . sounds like a fun trip. Let me know if and where you want to go. I'll be on standby for a few hours, but I'll be checkin' in later.

John Calvin

Faith - "Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence."

Thus, the only way I'm gettin' on the hormoplane is after it's crossed the Pacific about a dozen times which, by the definition above, has nothing to do with faith. But this doesn't mean I'm gettin' on it even then. I wanna know who's keeping it in the air. If fems are handling the maintenance it could be some spacebabe in need of a dydee change, or worse yet, Janet Reno.

Faith don't come often or easy, so I'm usin' mine where it really counts. How about you?

Ralph Kramden
The Hormoplane? Nice. I think the example of the transoceanic flight works anytime the arugument we are all the same is advanced.
Would I get on a plane built by those in my lineage? Absolutely not!
Would I fly Congo Continental? Not likely.
The astronut women operated the mechanical arm of ths shuttle and there are so many bad jokes there I'm not even taking any of them.
Reno is the reason Busg got two terms cuase when she ordered the dark night snagging of Elian all of little Havana went republican. Say it ain't so?
See you in the excess baggage claim area. Bring your ticket.

Jesus spell much or what? Now everyone will think I'm stupid because of typos.
There would always be a student who would look at something on the board and ask,
"Did you mean the man was bitten by a dig or a dog? Are you a teacher or what? What is a dig anyway?'
"Your mom!"
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