Friday, February 02, 2007
Riden Biden

Biden on Obama “The first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” But there is nothing mainstream about Obama either.
There are four qualifiers in the set that is Obama. Nice looking eliminates the rest of the field and don’t even bring in Shirley Chisholm-not a guy- and I never knew what Jesse was saying?
Much A Do about nothing! I was at a birthday party some years ago celebrating a Masters Degree earned by a recently 40 year black educator also a woman and friend and I had coached her brothers and knew her dad and geez, ain’t I special?
Gilbert was spinning records and he said, ”Hey Coach, make sure you put in the paper that we had a Do for Janet because that’s what Black people call it a Do-Not a party.”
And so I quoted Gilbert in the paper but a boss up the corporate line was outraged and told my editor to tell me to watch my racist comments.
I told him to tell her that contrary to what she thinks not everyone in the world wants to be a 50 year old white lesbian—not that there’s anything wrong with that?
Biden is reported to be one of the brightest politicians in Washington so how scary is that? Personally I’ve met him five times and I remembered who he was after the first time so I wish he would stop introducing himself to me.
Free speech gives us all the right to say whatever stupid stuff we want as long as it doesn’t defame or encourage others to jump off buildings or aim their car into a crowd of people.
Dam Edna a comedian who is really a guy recently said, ”The only reason to learn Spanish is so you can talk to the guy running your leaf blower.”
A public outcry ensued and Edna said, ”I make my living dressing as a woman and telling jokes.”
I feel it is mostly the outraged critics who are the most likely to inherently possess the worse qualities of intolerance and stereotyping. Joe's a good guy so people need to be getting off of him.
Gotta run my sauerkraut is boiling.
Wernher Von Weiner Dog
There are four qualifiers in the set that is Obama. Nice looking eliminates the rest of the field and don’t even bring in Shirley Chisholm-not a guy- and I never knew what Jesse was saying?
Much A Do about nothing! I was at a birthday party some years ago celebrating a Masters Degree earned by a recently 40 year black educator also a woman and friend and I had coached her brothers and knew her dad and geez, ain’t I special?
Gilbert was spinning records and he said, ”Hey Coach, make sure you put in the paper that we had a Do for Janet because that’s what Black people call it a Do-Not a party.”
And so I quoted Gilbert in the paper but a boss up the corporate line was outraged and told my editor to tell me to watch my racist comments.
I told him to tell her that contrary to what she thinks not everyone in the world wants to be a 50 year old white lesbian—not that there’s anything wrong with that?
Biden is reported to be one of the brightest politicians in Washington so how scary is that? Personally I’ve met him five times and I remembered who he was after the first time so I wish he would stop introducing himself to me.
Free speech gives us all the right to say whatever stupid stuff we want as long as it doesn’t defame or encourage others to jump off buildings or aim their car into a crowd of people.
Dam Edna a comedian who is really a guy recently said, ”The only reason to learn Spanish is so you can talk to the guy running your leaf blower.”
A public outcry ensued and Edna said, ”I make my living dressing as a woman and telling jokes.”
I feel it is mostly the outraged critics who are the most likely to inherently possess the worse qualities of intolerance and stereotyping. Joe's a good guy so people need to be getting off of him.
Gotta run my sauerkraut is boiling.
Wernher Von Weiner Dog
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WeeDoggie, I concur. He's among the best of the lot, and it makes me wonder how all the critics grew up, 'cause they sure didn't participate in your team sport activities. Otherwise, they would've experienced the truth and democracy available to you in the locker room & on the field, as did many of us. Short? Get ready for the midget,dwarf etc. comments. Fat? You must wash with mirrors, or you're a refridgerator with a head. And on.... Lighten the f$** up, Frances. And did you notice how Obama was cool with everything till he sawJ esse & Rev. Al's comments? He got all civil rights historian then, must've felt his presumed base slippin- I liked that cat, but he showed some phony politician bullshit with that 'second press release from the grassy knoll'. Holla, Cannonball
I just ask "Obama who's yo momma?" I belive she's white ain't that right"?
Not that it matters but let's "lighten up" on the Afro thing and that goes for Hallie and Lenny and Bionce and Alysea and Colin and Kobe and yaw can have Steve Nash cause he needs to come out there;s no way a candian point guard is mVP in the nBA. Holla
Not that it matters but let's "lighten up" on the Afro thing and that goes for Hallie and Lenny and Bionce and Alysea and Colin and Kobe and yaw can have Steve Nash cause he needs to come out there;s no way a candian point guard is mVP in the nBA. Holla
Dave... You're so right. Biden is a good guy and, surprisingly, may be the most knowledgeable of the folks on Capital Hill. (That may tell us a lot about our "lawmakers.) His nickel-dime critics, including the Right Rev. Sharpton, need to cool off and take a plunge on Polar Bear Day in Rehoboth Beach.
What are your readers smokin? Joe Biden is a good guy? Try as I might, I can't find anything to like about Joe since even he doesn't know what he likes. How is it that a guy with such a bad hair plug job can think so highly of himself?
Let's review his credentials. . .
1. He's a senator of the smallest state in the universe.
2. He's considered a blowhard by everyone in Washington, even his own party.
3. He sticks his foot in his mouth nearly every time he opens it.
4. Anybody who can't recall the Freddog by the third meeting is brain dead.
And we think he's a "good guy"? What, when he's sleeping? Give me a break.
Frank Biden
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What are your readers smokin? Joe Biden is a good guy? Try as I might, I can't find anything to like about Joe since even he doesn't know what he likes. How is it that a guy with such a bad hair plug job can think so highly of himself?
Let's review his credentials. . .
1. He's a senator of the smallest state in the universe.
2. He's considered a blowhard by everyone in Washington, even his own party.
3. He sticks his foot in his mouth nearly every time he opens it.
4. Anybody who can't recall the Freddog by the third meeting is brain dead.
And we think he's a "good guy"? What, when he's sleeping? Give me a break.
Frank Biden
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