Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I Love You Guys

“I love everybody especially you.” Lyle Lovett

I have spoken in front of more audiences than the average “can’t bear to listen to anymore witless bullshit” person. I like the old vaudeville line “if I had a better audience I’d have a better act.” And my own line whether in front of a banquet or classroom where the audience was slipping away was “hey don’t get uppity on me I’ve been ignored by better people than you.”

I hate bathroom and body part humor and that’s what many comedians resort to because it is the lowest common ass denominator and I hate it not because I’m proper but rather it is almost never funny.

Bad language can be funny like an old lady tumbling down an escalator in a wheel chair-the lady tumbled down versus that mother fucker tumbled down-but vivid descriptions of sex acts in a comedy routine is no more funny than sex in public which is gross.

I thought of this because of low down and loud but not clever comedians who talk about their humanitarian endeavors when interviewed on the E Channel or The Actors Studio. And I’ll tell you the truth Chris Rock hasn’t been funny for two years and his movies are worse.

And why can every ethnic comedian make fun of the dorky white guy and all the white patrons laugh but if white guy comic tried that same shit with a minority audience he must quickly turn the joke on himself to show inadequacy, ineptness and insincerity.

Sometimes in the past when white student would freak in my classroom about some social injustice that permeated his world and storm down to the office I would crack ”You see that’s why I can’t stand white people” and everyone would laugh but the black students would laugh the hardest.

I started this rant when I became annoyed after watching some gross ass no talent comedian who closed by telling the audience “thank you, I love you guys, you guys are great, I love you guys.”

‘But you were just a face in the crowd” Tom Petty

Love Freddogg

Freddogg wrote:
I started this rant when I became annoyed after watching some gross ass no talent comedian who closed by telling the audience “thank you, I love you guys, you guys are great, I love you guys.”

Other than that, how'd you like my show? :)

That's funny! Starting a routine with the "sex with one sheep and right away you're a pervert" joke is also funny to me becuase it's sociological not sexual as if buried deep inside museums in Alabama are little human sheep babies so said author James Dickey who by the way used his own son as a "kneel in" in the Dilverence rape scene played by Ned Beatty but why didn't the hillbilly get any billing. "Looks kids there's your dad I told you he was a movie star."
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