Monday, May 21, 2007


Field of Grass

Lawn tractors, edgers, hedge trimmers, mulch and compost, aeration and grub control. Nothing gets between a real man and his lawn except the handle of his spinner spreader.
Relentless lawn care and concern is a disease that appears to be productive but it’s an obsession indulged at the expense of actual human interaction.
Most of us with a piece of the grass don’t go ape shit over shaping and cutting it but we do what is necessary because neighbors and small animals just look better on green carpet rather than shrouded by brown crab grass.
But what about those nasty yet normal people, those personally groomed and perhaps with a skilled job, but the bitches just won’t cut the grass. I mean is it depression or a sign of being well adjusted?
I pass a house and lawn of this body building Portuguese young guy with dark black hair in a pony tail and I mean the boy is ripped and he restores high end cars that are totaled and does beautiful work but he lets his grass grow to 4 feet and last summer he had this 70 year old skinny black guy out there cutting it with a push mower made from parts he scabbed together and I thought, ”What is that all about”” because righteous black man didn’t get that old doing chicken shit jobs for common ass Portuguese insurance scammers so what is up because somebody is getting over if not run over like a box of kittens in the high grass?
“Things that are incongruous are never what they appear to be,”my grandmother Rose said. “There is always a pattern to overt social madness. Flying in the face of a cultural norm is revealing of something very sinister just below the surface.”
I instinctively know that if I asked this Portuguese man of war when the skinny old black guy was planning to cut the grass that he would commence to kill me with a frame straighter.
Here’s U Tubing You KId

Lawn Dogger-Blogger

Sounds like a leading man in a video from the Judge Clarance Thomas collection

My son and his wife, who are otherwise very decent people, recently bought an old house in Swarthmore, a college town that looks down upon "cheap" college towns like Bryn Mawr and Vilanova (forget West Chester). The place is an eco-friendly, liberal, tweedy, booky, self-important, laid-back sort of compound for those who imagine themselves as exisitng on a higher plane. BUT,90 percent of these idiots don't know that they are sposed to mow their damn lawn and kill the friggin weeds.
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