Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Kamcorder Kids

The children of the Sixties have produced the full blown parents of today. And what do it all mean Kingfish?
As a sportswriter it means micro managed lives captured on camcorders. It means more “personal agendas” than the Staples surplus outlet all for the good of the team. It is rampant and all over the place. Kids themselves have an expression for it; it’s called having a parent up your butt. It’s mostly a white thing but not exclusively
Last fall there were fathers cooking burgers for consumption after a football scrimmage. Black players called them the Burger Daddies. ”You know the players with the Burger Daddies are going to start,” two black players said to me.
“Dam straight, ”I said. “But what about Jordan and A.J.? They’re black and their dad has a giant drum of a grill he trails behind his pick-up. I mean he’s a professional. He can feed the whole team by himself and sometimes does. You know his kids are starting.”
“Yea, but they’re starting anyway,” Fredman. “But some of those Burger Daddy Children we ain’t so sure about.”
I find that most of these over the top parent general managers do more harm to their own kids than any inadequate coach or coach who doesn’t like the kid because the parent is a jerk could ever do.
I don’t react well to parents up in my face because they think their kid’s team doesn’t get equal coverage in the newspaper because I know they could give a dam about any team it’s all about their team more importantly their kid and usually the kid doesn’t care so all that is left is the parent. The parent wants to strut in a “my kid is better than your kid superiority” which usually reflects that the same parent could never get it done on the playing fields when they were younger because real athletes who have been in the wars and have made a difference know how to behave.
“Stick your travel ball Dad! I’m skimming this summer!”
“Great lets go out and buy some world class boards from the local surf shop. I know they have a competition team just for teenagers. And skim and surf camps. They go all the way to California to skim. I’ll get you a coach and you’ll work harder than all the rest and be on the cover of skim magazine.”
“Dad have you even noticed I’m anorexic masked by habitual steroid use and I like to smoke weed?”
“Great there’s this place in Utah with horses and other rehab sports like rafting and hiking and spelunking you’ll come back in such great shape you’ll have to start at the wide receiver position then I won’t have to spend so much time cooking burgers and can concentrate more on simply dogging your mother.”

”Word, Pops! “


I'm glad to see your in a good mood
Actually I am a happy guy and when I strap myself into the writing chair I don't know where the journey will take me but it has little to with my pretty even to laid back mood and more with the spirit who controls my thoughts.
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