Friday, June 08, 2007


Ain't That Tough Enough

Tough old bastard! A skinnier that a river bed Skelton chain smoking former Vietnam real guy I know was sitting in his hot white van outside the Comcast store in a strip mall the temperature hovered near 95. We are bar buddies back before our bar was torched and the guy is uncannily brilliant about all subjects from sports to politics.

He handed an envelope out the window and asked me to stick it into the Comcast mail slot. I took it and asked no questions then he said,”How do you like my fucking leg?”

I looked inside the van and there was this two pronged metal with shoe at the bottom and plastic up top prosthetic that seem to go all the way into his hip.

‘What asshole stole your leg and left that one,”I asked, and we laughed, easy for me?

I asked if it was injury or diabetes and he said, ”Fucking Agent Orange” started laughing, talked of VA hospital and 15 minute physical therapy sessions,said he had to do his own therapy walking around the trailer park for three straight hours.

‘That suck’s,” I said. “Are you in any pain?”

“I’m in pain all the time but what am I supposed to do, cry about it? Should I get a gun and fucking shoot myself? Fucking Agent Orange, now that’s funny.”

God dam the United States produces some tough people. I was just humbled, rendered speechless and I can’t wait for my bar to be rebuilt so I can resume my lifelong conversation with the real roughnecks of the world.


P.S. Gym people strive to be judged by the cover but the real warriors don't much care about outside appearances.

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