Monday, June 18, 2007


Gender Bender

"When a man loves a woman can’t keep his mind on nothing else especially when that woman is himself.”

A man from the West Coast everyone knows here on the East Coast as Charlie Brown, a man that ran in California with a running club of recovering hard core on the street drug addicts, a man easy to like and thankful for those who have helped him in his life.

And that man decides for gender reassignment to become a woman and to run in road races wearing a two piece. I think maybe Charlie calls himself Charlene but when he says hello to me I still call him Charlie.

Charlie is “way out” so I am not talking behind his back nor is my intention to make fun because you see like others I like this gentle person and wish him only the best but my feeling is that most cases or reassignments end badly not because of faulty adjustment on the part of the transforming person it’s the normal block heads who well up with violent feelings over what they consider freakish.

I wish my "Boy Charlie" all the best but if he takes some lesbian's trophy away in a race it won’t be a fair fight that’s all I’m saying.

How do you all feel about transsexuals? That is your homework assignment.

Freddogg keeping a leg up!

I think that it must such to be put in the wrong skin & body. I am straight so i don't understand the struggle or problems that are faced by gays & lesbians or anyone who takes the next step, but F*cK anyone who makes fun of the situation. I think it is a very real feeling and that maybe there was a gender reassingmenet mistake in the womb...
. I wish anyone going through that the best...
I also wish them the best also but if a guy I know starts running in a two piece then I must continue to be the guy I know without being cruel. I can't help it either
Understood. The only thing I am trying to say, is that I truly believe that there must have been an incorrect gender assignment at birth.

I believe that people who go thru these operations feel adamant about being the opposite sex because they feel that it is innate to them. Robbed of something they should have been to begin with. That is my impression. I don’t think people just have the change out of some perversion…and that is why I personally cut them a break, and hope other people do too. I have never personally know someone go through this, but I guess with age I have more the mind set of live and let live. be happy. You only get one chance in life, and if you base everything you do on what other people say or think... you are just cheating yourself... Bye now.. i need to go out and try my own advice.

btw it is great that you bring up stuff like this... people shouldnt be afraid to talk. And congrats Charlene!
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