Friday, June 29, 2007



I am not a republican but beyond that I am open minded. Last night I watched the Democratic Forum of candidates hosted by Tavis Smiley and Howard University and I concluded it was “so lame” and so offensive to Afro Americans and socialized solutions to individual problems that Mitt “The Mormon” Romney may emerge as the next President.

When I watch Cops on television featuring shirtless white people on crank –excuse me Euro Americans- I don’t expect to field a bunch or question about white people and how the government can help them.

There was discussion about achievement gaps in education, economic inequities, and this factoid that Afro Americans make up 17 percent of the teenage population but 67 percent of the new reported cases on HIV.

I wanted one of the students in the audience to jump up and shout: “Will you all shut up already! Black people must take care of themselves. That’s what I did and the rest of the people here. Stop assuming were all criminally inclined butt pirates whose main desire in life is to attend school with white people. We’re not ghetto and when we graduate and go on for advanced degrees we ain’t going back to a ghetto we never came from in the first place.”

This forum coincided with a Supreme Court ruling which basically said race can’t be the sole determiner in diversifying schools and all the democrats were going off including Obama who said without Brown v Board of Ed in 1954 he would not be running for president and I’m like,” What?”

Columbia undergrad and Harvard law School. Attended private school in Hawaii. His wife is Harvard law school grad. His father was a Kenyan born Harvard educated economist his mother a Caucasian Anthropologist. Dad died Mom split for Indonesia Barak raised by his white grandparents Tell me again about Brown v Board of Ed.

Obama may be too smart to be president but not too black. Hilary a bitch? Ya think? Edwards? What is he thinking? Biden? Are you serious? I have two words. Hair plugs.

I know too many successful black people to even say I know too many because that’s an insult. And talking about all the social problems suffered my minorities is also an insult.

A campaign of personal responsibility is desperately needed in this country. Call it “The War on Ourselves.”

Who gives a flying carpet about Sunnis and Shiites?

Later my dogs of all species.

Big BowWow Freddogg

One of your better...

Personal responsibility
here in America...what
would the lawyers do ???

Very Big BowWow
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