Friday, June 01, 2007
More Better Debtor

I can be a really good player when legalized collectors pursue me for chump change. My position is that just because you say a procedure exceeded by two hundred dollars the amount allowable by Blue Cross so that lancing my infected finger somehow cost the hospital $1400 instead of $1200 dollars doesn’t make it a reality.
And if that extra $200 is to flow into the coffers of the institutionalized medical establishment then your ass is going to earn it ten fold as in fold your hand and get out of my life..
Back before collection laws went into effect there would be a chance that some menacing looking bounty hunter dog looking sociopath would show up on my doorstep and try to intimidate me for the money or tell me the court gave him a piece of paper to enter my domicile and to remove something of like value to be auctioned off.
And there would be a good chance that I would permanently disable him with the help of two angry dogs who would protect to the death their Milk Bone distributor.
These collectors will call you and call you but caller I.D. hurt their chances of making contact. Sometimes I pick up the phone and put it back down again. Other times I speak Spanish or Indigenous Guatemalan Indian or I pick up and I’m already in the middle of a rant so scary as to infer mental illness at the genius level of intelligence and they hang up because somehow they know I know where they live.
Bottom line is “more fun for me” for I am not freely giving up $200 dollars without the corresponding entertainment value of a Broadway show.
And now that the Steaks have been raised like a steer in a hydraulic harness I feel compelled to stay in the game just to see where it ends. I can gracefully accept the reality of a loss but I am such a good player and so intrinsically well adjusted that I will be hard to beat.
I am now waiting for said legal team of Philadelphia lawyers to step up their weak ass game! And if the Sheriff shows up at my door no problem because he is a friend of mine. Don’t mess with the boys!