Saturday, June 02, 2007
Shutup Skinnies
I may be fat but I’m fit and strong and other people’s fitness levels don’t personally interest me although I wish them the best just don’t bore me with successes or depress me with your failures.
I covered a road race this morning, took pictures, snagged a soft pretzel then I’m just hanging about talking to people which I love to do. Some old dude who always wants to be paid attention to, a Boney Maroni with replacement parts and a couple of cardiac survivals come up to me and I’m thinking “holy shit here we go.”
I shake his hand ask him how he is doing then he pats my belly and says, ”You better watch it.”
I said, “no you better watch it and did you come over to say hello or give me a hard time?”
He is now on automatic defense and no matter how fast his boney ass can run standing still he is no match for me.
He walks away and so do I because I wanted to beat the traffic to WaWa.
A dozen years ago I was in the hospital for a week and home for six after major surgery. I come back to work all under weight and shit and this pompous teacher woman says,”Oh you got a lot grayer since your operation.”
And I said,”Yea and it looks like your butt got bigger! Did they give you a diesel horn with that coffee tankard?”
Of course it was my entire fault for not absorbing and ignoring insulting observations but people take their chances they deserve a smack down! Maybe I saved someone down the line who is less of a good player than me.
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I don't trust skinny people.....Would you eat in a restaurant with a real skinny chef...I think not.
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