Monday, July 09, 2007
Hippy Jack looked like a sunflower with his blond on brown hair and muted freckles on his elongated face and every day at lunch he would bring a bag and make big announcements removing contents one at a time.
The year was 1972 I was a young hip teacher not the least quick on the trigger of criticism like I am 35 years later.
I am aware people are what they eat and some eat too much while others are obsessed with too little while still others claim to eat what they want but never gain a pound and I can tell you without exception that those people are compulsive liars who believe in their own bullshit just like Born Again New Christie Minstrels.
Jack was woowie-zowie harmless enough but did I really need to hear about sprouts and other bullshit coming out of his whole wheat sandwich?
I had the common courtesy to make fun of Jack behind his back, one of my routines was Jack having sex for the first time and saying something like “Wow those are the greatest breasts I have ever seen not to mention the only ones and do you think it would be fun to roll a naval orange between our stomachs while fondling an eggplant? Hey where are you going?”
One day some hybrid piece of fruit rolled in front of me and it was one roll too many so I picked it up and threw it against a block wall where it splattered I sat down stone soul silent and Hippy Jack just looked at me and looked at me some more then said,” Wow!”
That’s when I figured that being stoned makes healthy choices more tolerable.