Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I'm So Gay

The panting of Darby Doodle Dog like an electric space heater at the foot of my face was enough to get me out of bed at 5 a.m.where I ventured into the early morning world of animal awakenings and big assed orange ball sun rising.
I grabbed my camera saying to myself over and over,”You are so gay!” And actually if I were “Queer Eye” gay I would get much better artsy photos but alas I am a big male never sexually harassed.
I made coffee and read on the MSNBC web site that sexual harassment of males by gaggles of women and other authority type males is nothing to snicker about and I thought “those who snicker deserve harassment” and I also say “harass my ass all you want” but like the big orange sun I will not be crushed.
I’ve been around common women making stupid assed inappropriate jokes and once I said, ”You are all dredging the muck of disgusting and not funny humor because deep down in your souls you find me attractive in my orange shirt from the Telletubby Action Wear catalogue to which one matronly joke telling white butt cracker sighed and snapped,” Oh, please, don’t make us throw up.”
I told her she should be a Pinata in a therapy session for male sexual addicts and deviants and the others said, ”was that a joke?” and I said actually, no, I have a joke but it contains a bad word and it wouldn’t be right for me to tell it and they of course said ,"go ahead we’re all married woman so it’s not like you can tell us something we haven’t heard before" so I said, ”All Right it starts out this big hairy cock sucker is walking down the street- have you heard it?"
They admitted they didn’t but said they wanted to and I informed them that they just did and they told me I was fat and stupid so I stopped because they were mothers and didn’t need to hear “I’ve got your fat and stupid right here” and how I got from a beautiful sunrise to fat and stupid I don’t know but I’m o.k with all of it.
That you god for another day.
The Freddogg Also Rises.