Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Vick a Sick Bitch

I call it the 'Towering Inferno Syndrome' and did long before 911 which is just too real but 'Towering Inferno' was a disaster movie especially if you paid to watch it.

I always told my psychology students that the things you see in movies are the acceptable deviances and aberrations of society like an 80 year old great grandmother being sucked out of a pent house apartment and pirouetting in flames to her death.

But if the same thing happened to a Cocker Spaniel people would get up and leave because we love dogs while we only tolerate each other.

And there are so many movies where helpless women get beaten up, raped and murdered so why not do the same thing to men after all Deliverance was only a movie Ned Beatty. In fact, author James Dickey used his own son as a stand-in for hillbilly heaven practice because the kid wrote about it in the New Yorker saying his dad always thought him to be a pussy so to make him a real man he was raped on film 67 times to the sound of dueling banjos.

This is how I’ve gotten to Mike Vick just indicted on felony dog fighting charges. The worse part of this story “Bas Assed Kennels” is tails of dogs, in fact, the entire dog-no longer useful- being destroyed by drowning, electrocution, hanging and gunshot and Vick-who looks like a bad ass-was personally involved.

I have seen Vick play in person four times and he sucked every time. I hope I never see him play again! As they say at the Westminster Dog Show “That Bitch Needs To Go!”

Vick has messed with the wrong people in the dog people who are most decent people and they will never let him up and never forgive him.

I wonder if he’ll do kennel time? Anyone have any thoughts on this?


He should be forced to cleanup one of those houses where someone kept 100 cats and dogs in their house. Pretty nasty stuff and so fitting for him..
He and his brother are pieces of S---t. Tilt the world and let them fall off.
see how he 'keeps it real' in the jiz-oint.

52.6 % pass completion for nothing and his chicks for free.

Got a pass on other transgressions in HS/College because of his worth to the athletic programs.

How to walk the fine line between the fact that I understand where the guy (like his geographic homeboy AI) comes from- the context of his upbringing- and the fact that I understand that I- and many others- had an epiphany of self-realization - ("gee, I am an asshole") and got back on the maturation and behavioral evolution train, which had left my narrow ass at the station?

So many questions,Fredd-rich Nietszche-dogg........
Electrocuting wet dogs,when is that ever a good idea? If all my bills were to be paid off only if I fried an innocent animal would I do it? I would not,I know that much about myself.

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