Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Many Called But Few Chosen

CHICAGO -- Although religious doctors are more likely to consider medicine a calling, that doesn’t translate into caring for more underserved patients, a survey has revealed. [more]

This Doctor-hungry for attention-was in WaWa getting morning coffee

In other words, a real spiritual calling, aligns with a fat bank account, in more cases than not, because if you have a “fancy assed education” and life kicks you about anyway, you are likely to deduce “Looks like I picked the wrong god.”
My grandmother said, ”Poor people pray, rich people whine and zealots simply blow up in your face.”

Say it ain’t so Pro Bono but shut my mouth and call me Charlene my wife hasn’t seen a doctor in 10 years and so when she called to make an appointment and discovered she had been dropped by whom she thought was her doctor- the price of good health and self managed care- and no one else in the yellow pages would schedule her because they were full and not taking patients. All of that, in spite of the fact that she has comprehensive Blue Cross Coverage.

And so religious calling or not do you think any of these private practice physicians be they M.D. or D.O. are opening their doors and windows to the shirtless underclass? Think again during the second collection but it ain’t happening.

I sit places where people gather and I observe and study. Some summer nights ago I was tailgating on my Tundra in the Food Lion parking lot when a four foot ten squared Harley riding woman pulled up next to me. A helmeted head with flames indicating motion and a belly that rested on the gas tank like a biscuit on a Weber grill and I loved her for not being an augmented stair stepper.

Go to the emergency room and you will see the uninsured sometimes an entire family sitting and waiting because someone stepped on a bee who didn’t sting just buzzed but you can’t be too careful then imagine this uninsured family sitting in the doctors office smothering the 10 a.m. group appointment hour for insured hypochondriacs.

‘IT may be the devil or it may be the lord but you’re gonna have to serve somebody” Bob Dylan

Freddogg off the Scale

There are serious problems in the healthcare industry. #1 is that they are considered an industry. #2 is that over 10% goes for insurance company profits and they never see a patient and discourage doctors from seeing them also. #3 is that the insured cover the uninsured in the most inefficient manner waiting until illness becomes severe before treatment is sought and rendered. #4 is the cost of needless care at both ends of life. We should not exhaust our resources keeping alive those whose death we are simply prolonging. Nobody is getting out alive anyway. #5 Why are we the only industrialized nation without a national health plan? Answer: Insurance companies want it that way.
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