Saturday, November 03, 2007



I took off during halftime of the two football games I was watching in the garage and went to Lowe’s for Some Space heater investigation. The place was packed with older couples on Saturday outings “how come you never take me anywhere?”
The women mostly trailed the men, a few walked in front, and a couple or two held hands in case one slid on the concrete floor the other could counterbalance.
I had no idea what I was looking for or where to look and I sure as hell wasn’t going to ask someone who works there because they hate that and always pretend they are designing a construction project on the computer and just could not be bothered with customers.
I landed in a aisle that sold humidifiers, dehumidifiers and air purifiers and I don’t own any of those things and what’s worse I don’t know if I need to own one and if so “is my house too dry or damp and if the air is purified just exactly what pathogens are being sucked and plucked from the atmosphere of my not so great room?
I stood looking at a box with a picture of a little propane heater and the Lowe’s guy came by with another guy and they were desperately looking to kill off minutes until quitting time so they asked me if I needed any help.
Next thing I know I was asking questions like “where do you get a propane tank and who fills it up and if you weren’t careful could it asphyxiate the dogs and should I purchase a carbon monoxide alarm and what about a radon detector?
I pretty much left with nothing and went to Food Lion because I’m M.V.P. of the entire store and they sell Vitamin Water and I like the colors but it taste like garbage and throws my “attitude “into hyper drive.
I heard the great Studs Terkel interviewed on public radio on my way home. Studs was born in 1912 –he is 95 years old-and he talked of the McCarthy era and said he himself was investigated by Navy Intelligence. “Imagine that, ”Studs said. “I can’t even swim.”
Peace Freddogg

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