Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Drop Back and Pundit

I saw Delaware Senator Tom Carper yesterday at Cape Henlopen High School but refused to cross the flight path of the former Navy pilot and Delaware Governor and Congressman. And that is because “Cadaver Carper” there is no way that man isn’t anorexic has introduced himself to me 27 times since I’ve been in Delaware and I’m just tired of it. And anyway I was wearing cargo shorts which the Gazette Golf columnist and full time department of transportation lawyer pointed out to me was a social Faux pas for an aging white guy.
I may vote for Hilary because she wears pants suits to hide a big old butt-known as Ghetto Booty in some cultural enclaves- knowing there is a song “whose got a big old butt?” then you just fill in a name “Hilary’s got a big old butt” but I’ll tell you if she played that song in South Carolina and peeled off the jacket and percolated just for 15 seconds while Bill played the sax she could steal that primary.
And I don’t want to hear “rock star” associated with Obama anymore. Who is he Lenny Kravitz? Barack actually resembled that lead singer from the “Fine Young Cannibals” remember their hit “She Drives Me Crazy” which he could play every time the name Hilary is mentioned.
Edwards’s father worked in the mill and so did little John portraying himself as blue collar but you know there is no way Edwards was in Dire Straights for long which summons the lyric “that little faggot has his own jet airplane that little faggot is a millionaire.” The album “Money for Nothing.”
John McCain in the words of Borat “Respect” and I give it up for him. Yesterday I heard a commentator say “McCain is tough was in a North Vietnamese Prison for five and a half years and beaten and tortured everyday but I’m sure there were some days they forgot to do it . It reminded me of a teaching day when I told a class a senator came out of the closet after 17 years. Roxy in the back yelled out “Stop tripping Fredman there is no way a man could live in a closet for 17 years. What did he eat and drink?”
And what is the Mitt the Morman Romney thing all about –cookies in the kitchen with grandchildren five perfect sons all stamped out of the same cutter-what is sensed about him? Too perfect to be trustworthy? Has a billion dollars and less soul than Al Gore.
And “Do The Hucklebuck” just what is an Evangelical? I kinda know, like there is gospel music sung by blacks which rocks and inspires and then there’s the white sort of Pat Boone version--those are Evangelicals.
Finally, I wish Tom Brokaw would stop doing Brokaw impressions barely moving his lips. I get it already because if he had a voice like Tyson or Bill Bergey no one would listen to a word he says.

And that’s the way it is.

I’m thinking of a play on words on Walter Cronkite but all I I come up with is
Walrus Freddyke

Free association on the post, Fred.
-When I lived in Wilmington, I belonged to the same Y as Carper. That is and has been a skinny white man, Fred. Saw him in the shower (not like that, dawg);Day-um he is thin
- On Hillary; hate the game, not the player; all that anti-Hillary hate out there is wasted energy
- Obama; politically incorrect comment from an acquaintance of mine from our time in Richmond, VA " He cain't win hoss; people don't want another black man asking them for change" ; as context, he calls the Civil War "the War of Northern Aggression" and named his son 'States Rights Dunstan'
- On Edwards; if you watch his rallies, they'll pan to his Dad during the 'mill' part of his speech and even HE'S thinking 'damn, not that Mill shit again!". Good guy, too smooth by half for a democrat
- McCain- all props to a tough old bird, whom I like. I hope he doesn't parse and pander too much to get the prize
- Mitt Romney- I had a 'mitt' when I was 8 in Little League, and I have 3 words for anyone thinking of voting for the Mitt-o-matic Romnitron 2008 ; Mormon Space Underpants
- Mike 'Hucklebuck' ( Where are you Chubby Checker? side note- my wife is good friends with his son, Shan, and my in-laws are good friends with he and his wife; they were at our wedding) Kinda cool guy, but clueless on foreign policy, and doesn't believe in evolution, and claims he doesn't want to impose that belief on others. Riiiiiiiiight.
- I'd like to hear Tom Brokaw sign 'Little Latin Lupe Lou'

And how about The Freddly-Doggly Report? ( on NBC) or Freddog Crank-Write?
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