Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Fox and Hound

Lina Baby and Darby Doodle in picture

There are many upscale communities with names like Fox Run Hollow and Red Fox Run but most people have never had the pleasure of watching some smug-assed fox with no natural enemies suddenly scampering for its life and fox are not as sly as advertised but rather frantic flyer's from danger just like the rest of us. And only in sports do you hear the expression “crazy like a fox” because “sports jargonist” mix up similes and metaphors and even philosophy –“They now control their own destiny” because destiny is by definition out of one’s control and no one understands the joke “Déjà vu all over again” or “beating a dead horse to death” which were Al McGuire misapplied expressions which have become part of the language like Denny Green’s ‘They are who we thought they were.”
Yesterday Darby Doodle Dog bounding through nature unbridled saw a red fox on a distance rise of brown corm stumps and switched into high gear. The two year old looked like an Olympic quarter miler. It was at the last second that the fox processed he may be taken out by a runaway Labba Labba Doodle doing 60 m.p.h
The fox ran from the field into what little kids call “the big woods.”
Darby was on his ass like Marian Jones on a forged check as the pair of them were missing trees like ships in a star wars movie. The fox couldn’t shake Darby so nature’s “bite in the ass” immutable law kicked into gear and the fox turned, barred its teeth and began to bark like a Corgi doing a Mike Tyson impression.
Darby had the right instincts of not going face first into a wild animal protecting itself from immanent extinction. He simply jumped straight up into the air and left Mr. No natural enemies quivering in his entire stupendous splendor.
That is why some of us are “dog people.” I was Darby chasing that fox, inside his head like a fighter pilot. I was in the dogfight. Just call me Ace who was my Uncle Tony’s dog who ate toenail clippings.


Hey Ace!! Thanks for the Darby Doodle Dog story. And the cute pic of him with grandD Lina Baby. Awwwww.......
Gramma Debbi (aka Mom of DoodleBug, the GoldenDoodle)
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