Friday, February 22, 2008


Pound Foolish

The two day high school Delaware state wrestling championships were pushed back a day due to a Delaware exaggeration of inclement weather disproving the cliché “you can’t be too careful.”
What struck me was an announcement that because finely tuned quality athletes with little body fat would be on Nutter Butter lock down with fa-assed adults, a one pound allowance was being granted for the Saturday morning weigh in. If a teenage 119 pounder with 6 percent body fat, a heart rate of 52, and blood pressure of 108/65, can gain weight while snow bound, what hope do the rest of us have?
During one long Thanksgiving weekend in 1969, a year I was living with three other football linemen, we made a bet as to who would gain the most weight over the four day vacation.
We were all mesomorphs with Mesolithic sexual tendencies-drum stick seen a sex toy- but at the apex of our physical prominence we just didn’t know it at the time.
Tom “Hog Body” Rupert won the weight gain contest-he wasn’t trying to win or lose- none of us were- putting on 22 pounds. Two days later Tom had dropped back 8 pounds proving control and the lack thereof was easy for a big guy on an accordion diet who sang Lady of Spain every time he took a shower. (Accordion Joke Book)
One day last week three different people reluctantly paid me a weight loss compliment one woman saying “you were a lot fatter when I first came to work really, you were..and my trainer friend asked.”what did you change in your diet?” I told him the only adjustment was I didn’t eat ice cream the last three nights but just sat on the couch like a loser zombie waiting for the little hand to go from the 7 to 11 so I could go to sleep.


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