Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Lending to Lemurs

I always thought a sub prime mortgage loan meant the rate was below prime and that was a good thing. I didn’t realize it meant the borrower had qualified as a sub primate which meant it was like giving a loan to a Lemur.

And now these “you lend me money that I can’t pay back and how can I can wrong” couples are suffering home foreclosures and can’t begin to afford even natural habitat Lemur accommodations at the local zoo. No for this class of sub primates who walk erect with opposable thumbs with no disposable income it is always check out time.

But where there is victimization there are additional seedy underhanded white types who will lure the Lemurs into a sub floor of the sub prime contract with the promise of help then rip off whatever equity they have in their home and outbuildings before closing up shop and disappearing into the cul-de-sac of broken dreams.

Nineteen of these scumbags just got busted in Southern California for ripping millions of dollars away from the down and out class. How freaking low and sad is that and it made me wonder,”Could I ever sell a car or piece of property to a young couple knowing it was going to fatten my check book but ruin their lives?

The answer is no that is just all the way wrong and I think these scamming, flimflamming con artists should be deported to Haiti and live forever in the glow of the downtown dung pile.

Honey you look effervescent and phosphorescent


Dave, Dave, Dave, you sorry idealist you. Have you forgotten that: the bottom line is the bottom line; greed is good; the business of America is business; and on and on glorifying the accumulation of wealth at whatever cost. Remember the wealthy are for the redistribution of wealth, that's how they got wealthy in the first place. Reverse Robin Hood is their motto. The really sad part is that they laugh afterwards and call us stupid and fools because we play by the rules.
R. Malachy Ward
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