Monday, March 03, 2008



<span style="font-weight:bold;">I googled Wiggy's real name and came up with this picture of Harmon Killebrew. No wonder it took the law so long to find him.

The state of Delaware caught escaped felon and Fredman friend Wiggy last week in North Carolina better known as Nockalyna just above Sockalyna

A press release with picture placard on display used Wiggy’s nickname but in Downstate Delaware you don’t get to hijack nicknames if you are from up north get your own dam felons with nicknames.
And the press release made fun of Wiggy saying he burglarized a house in North Carolina stealing hotdogs and you know something you can make fun of public enemy number one escaped burglar all you want but yaw the ones who got get-losing a handcuffed short guy in jockey shorts from a hospital waiting room and finding him two months later thanks to an anonymous tipster who no doubt had his own time to turn back in exchange for Wiggy’s location.
The governor of Delaware seized this media moment to send out the message “If you escape from us you will be caught” and god knows Delaware has lots or practice leading the USA in escaped work detail guys from divided highways. “Wait let me count again.”

I actually needed a criminal back round check a few years ago to get my WaWa card approved and I came back with two aliases. I just love myself for having aliases. Better than a Ph.D. which is a real alias from most of the over achieved dumb asses who have one and still can’t write or speak a foreign language.

He is also known as Fredman and Doublewide. Doublewide? It is my polar bear love handle. I must go to the court house and add freddogg, freddizzle, Major Dog and Uncle Fred to my criminal profile.

Fab Fried Freddie

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