Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Profanity meets Vulgarity

All the campaign spin balanced against administration lies about Iraq and the systematic ripping off of the American consumer not only by oil companies but also stock market speculators who create an artificial economy and it’s no wonder that perplexity rolls right through your front door as you ask yourself, ”what the fuck should I do?”
“Ride a bike” does not seem logical because everyone in your town will conclude you just lost your license to DUI no matter how many yellow jerseys you wear. And it is true yuppies will ride a bike with a basket and child seat on the back but they’re not getting away with anything because we see them for what they are…posers!
I was overhearing a prep school lacrosse team last night discuss halftime strategy and I was heartened by the liberal use of the F word. These were real men, leaders of the future, speaking from the heart, using the language that made America strong.
I recalled a conversation with Pete the Barber, an Italian American who survived infantry duty in WW2. Pete said the Americans pushed from the south and met the Russian pushing from the north and "as we the held out our hands greeting as allies the Russian smiled and said, “Hello American G.I. Fuck You!” And it was all good as Pete responded “Fuck you too!” Men of the world from factories-what’s a factory- to the Ivy Universities all say "fuck" a lot. Even the Pope has been known to joust- “Fuck me? I’m the Holy Father-Fuck You!”
I would like to see just one "no decorum observed" honest presidential press conference where someone would ask the question “Where the fuck is he and don’t even say you don’t know. How in the name of a Garmin GPS does the crooked 6’5” terrorist on dialysis not only hide out but make videos that aren’t digital? Are you trying to get us to believe all that and also believe the too tall for camel jockey hooked nosed bastard is hiding out among extras from a Raiders of the Lost Ark movie.
I still believe Bin Laden was “plowed under” on the first invasion of Afghanistan and only a CIA heavy equipment operator knows the true story.
And if he is somewhere, which is unlikely, let's lock and load and march on in there because that’s what we’re good at. Terrorists in Iraq are already doing what we want which is to blow each other up so how can we improve on that?
If that bin laden boy is alive and responsible for 911 then let’s go get his ass Today. And let’s draft all those fucking college students to be part of the rumble plus they need motivation to learn about geo political positioning.

Correspondent Freddogg

but can they find their way without their Magellan?????????
Personally I have a Tom Tom and on the way back from Baltimore heading north on 95 the English accent I chosen to program into it keep saying 'Get off at the next exit and turn around" finally i had to turn the thing off"
Two comments: first, remember that when Mark Twain's wife took to profanity in the hopes that it would shock her husband into reducing his use of it, he simply looked quizzically at her and replied that she had the words right but didn't have any idea of the tune.
Second; I bekieve that the idea that Bin Laden needs dialysis is untrue, at least that what the CIA promotes.
R. Malachy
'Fuck' is a lot like 'Dude' - it can be used as a noun, a verb, an adverb and with any inflection, to produce questions, declarations, statements, epitaphs. The pair are indispensable to my everyday conversation, even though some would say I am on the outside edge of the 'Dude' generation.

As to OBL, he's more valuable alive than dead to those who profit from creating fear, and its easier to keep blundering along in Eye-Rack than to make the Packi's cooperate- which is fucking shameful, dude.
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