Friday, April 25, 2008


Starr Studded

You don’t have to be in the Starr Report to be in my show. It was a Friday night before a high football game I was covering for the newspaper. I was sitting at a bar in Wilmington with a friend who “knew the bar” waiting for a sandwich. The Starr Report walked into the bar and flopped itself down. It was September 11 of 1996.
“I just printed this out,”said the guy across the bar. “I intend to sit here and get drunk and read the entire thing.”
Amazing how 12 years later the Clinton’s are playing hard ball with OBama and it is working as Barack is fading like a half miler who ran the first lap too fast. 9/11 could be tactically thrown back at Hillary the next time she wants to ask Obama why he hasn’t walked out on Reverend Wright.
Also in the Starr report is reference to the Paula Jones sexual harassment charge, she claims that Slick Willey dropped his pants in front of her in an Arkansas motel room and that she could prove it because how else would she know he ironically swings to the right.
Speaking of surviving what about NBA Hall of Fame broadcaster Marv Albert who hid behind a motel room door naked dressed in a women’s wig and attacked his date from behind allegedly screaming “here I come from downtown—Yes!” before biting her on the back.
There was a sexual assault charge plea bargained down to a misdemeanor and during the trial another woman stood up and screamed “the sick bitch bit me too and then forced me”” Hey, Hey, that will be enough of that!
Obama needs to call in some “yard core” educated brothers as advisor's and develop his own deck of face cards to throw down like a card game of ghetto tonk on the Clinton's because you know those jokers have a deck just waiting to shoot the moon on his mommy was a white women’s ass.

Peace. Can’t we all get along?


I am not happy either with the character assasination by the Clinton campaign. However, realize that the Republican party considers this the only game in town and the attacks have only just begun. The idea is to completely ignore the truth and launch a campaign of character destruction so the candidate spends most of his time defending himself. This is done by groups not affiliated with the candidate so he stands loftily above the fray claiming to run a clean campaign but never proclaiming the falsehood of the smear campaign. A lie can be easily exposed, but a half truth has a thousand lives. The Clinton campaign is a sanitized version of the Republican tactics. The question is : How will Senator Obama, and his campaign, react to these assaults? I believe that is one of the reasons the Clinton campaign is employing these tactics. God knows Hilary has had to fend off these attacks for an untold number of years. As to Bill swinging right or left, any tailor can tell you that even before measuring your inseam.
R. Malachy
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