Friday, May 09, 2008
BIscuit and Git!
“Drop off your high energy biscuits and get out! We will accept whatever aid you wish to deliver but none of your goody two shoes altruistic CIA operatives will be allowed to win over the hearts of minds of our starving masses with your dumb puffin-muffins and water bottles.”
Myanmar is such a dumb name and anytime you hear the word junta you know it represents lots of dumb people.
”I’m in the junta and it is all good!”
However some would argue there are no such things as humanitarian efforts it’s all about influence peddling or paddle boat peddling and geo political positioning.
The Director of the World Food Program pleaded with the government “"Please, this food is going to people who need it very much. You and I, we have the same interests," Banbury said. "Those victims — those 1 million or more people — who need this assistance are not part of a political dialog. They need this humanitarian assistance. Please release it.”
The United States also sent 20 thousand body bags and I know what you’re thinking,” we have a body bag depot somewhere in the event of such a catastrophe? Who has that government contract and was it a sealed bid?
And so a paranoid government would rather allow its people to starve and die of disease than allow Western governments to come in and fix things which they know how to do.
The USA is so good at mobilizing relief efforts it does make all Americans reflect back on Katrina and wonder why the entire Bush administration wasn’t air dropped into the delta region of Myanmar two years ago.
Has any country ever gone to war for strictly humanitarian reasons? “We’re saving your people and if you don’t get out of our way we will flame your asses out!”
A tricky concept and we don’t do it because just like Iraq there is no end game for such a policy.
Let me dive back into my think tank and jump right in and we can think and sink together.
The intellectual doggy paddler