Sunday, May 04, 2008



Photo Photo one is Bruce in Barcelona. Phto Two is Albert in Prism.

Valid points that don’t need to be made, that’s one of my specialties. I call it going Hannibal Lecture and turning listeners into the tongue swallowing Miggs from the movie ‘Silence of the Lambs.”
Yesterday it was a mid thirties former all state football and wrestling guy thanking me for mentioning his past in the newspaper and how hundreds of people had come up and said,”we didn’t know that about you, that’s really cool.”
I told him the people were incredulous thinking you just showed up on the planet as the guy you are now which doesn’t resemble in their minds the guy you were then.”
I could see him rolling his tongue. “And the ironic thing about the sports world is no matter how storied your past, defined as yesterday back to minor league baseball or leagues that include the word midget, you have a maximum of three minutes before listeners move on because no one wants to hear anyone else’s bullshit.
The double back irony of all this in my mind is the proliferation of Halls of Fame for any reason imaginable from music and sports to just being from New Jersey.
The inaugural class of the New Jersey Hall of Fame includes Yogi Berra, Tommy Edison, Alberto Einstein and Toni Morrison, the inaugural class includes Frankie Sinatra, Bruce Springsteen, Meryl Streep, astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf and Vinnie Lombardi.
I took the liberty of going Jersey on some first names.
Imagine sitting on the boardwalk with The Boss on one side and Einstein on the other. The only constant that would matter to me would be “when is it my time to talk?”

Freddogg Rejected and Neglected By Better than Most

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