Thursday, May 22, 2008
Liberal Lion Sleeps Tonight
Teddy Kennedy wants his wife to retain his senate seat after he dies which begs the statement ‘Ted this may sound harsh but you will be the dead guy so don’t worry about it.”
The worse thing of all the bad things that happened in this rich guy’s life, worse than having two older brothers assassinated and his nephew John plunge a plane into the drink, is that 1969 Chappaquiddick incident which is so well known it is in my spell checker.
I have had nightmares where I caused the death of an innocent person and I think that would just be the worse. There was a national Lampoon Cover that had a picture of a Volkswagen beetle and head line “If Ted Kennedy had been driving one of these he’d be president today.”
Here is the skinny from Wikipedia which ironically is not in the spell checker.
In 1969, Edward Kennedy drove a car off a bridge into the channel between Chappaquiddick Island and Martha's Vineyard. Kennedy managed to escape, but his passenger, campaign worker Mary Jo Kopechne, drowned in the submerged car. Kennedy left the scene of the accident and did not call authorities until the following day. Kennedy pled guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and received a suspended sentence of two months in jail.
If a suspended sentence is one you don’t have to serve unless you drive another car off a bridge and leave another young girl at the bottom of a pond than why not make the suspended sentence longer being as it’s only symbolic anyway?
I figure Teddy got 40 years more than poor Mary Jo and no matter how famous once the news is out there do we need two days and countless head tumor specials? How many specials were there of helicopter pilots in New Orleans saying “Put Fats Domino in my bucket and hoist him up here? How you lost your entire dam mind?”
I wish Teddy all the best I actually saw him on the back of the train on that trip to Washington after John died. A handsome young lad he was. I wonder why he never hired a personal trainer.