Tuesday, May 06, 2008


The Planet Plays Back

The Med Page is kicking my butt this morning with many strange assertions backed by scientific research. Look for this stuff later today on mainstream cable delivered by news bunnies.

1. The shorter your arms the more likely you are to develop dementia later in life. However on the plus side the more likely you are to win a bench press contest or pass for a Bulgarian.
2. Bipolar patients who are obese are less like to respond to lithium therapy. “Ronnie you may be bipolar but at least you’re really fat!” When a fat person shakes pills from a vile and asked,” How many of these should I take? You know it’s a trick question and so you should answer “what is normal dosage then multiply it by how many standard deviations you are from ideal on the Metropolitan Body Mass Index.”
3. Breastfeeding has been associated with smarter kids in the first grade BUT when the kid can unbutton the shirt it is time to graduate to a juice box.
4. Parents of autistic children are twice as likely to have mental disorders themselves because over time everyone drives every one else nuts. I’ve been around staff members who work with autistic children and they drive me nuts with their little Velcro reinforcement stickers.
5. How about clinical depression in middle aged patients with Type 2 diabetes? Yea, how about them? Sometimes depression is like sinking into a big stuffed chair. Just let me wallow I am fine!

There is more stuff out there which doesn’t lend itself to comedy like close to 10 servicemen killed in Iraq because of being electrocuted while taking hot showers the wiring job done by Halliburton. Or the number of GI’s who return after Iraq and commit suicide. And what about 15 thousand people killed or missing after a cyclone in Burma? If poor people are allowed to live in water front properties there is a reason because whitey is all about the weather channel.

It’s your world and eventually we all get swallowed back up.


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