Thursday, May 08, 2008
Rambling and Meandering
Which is the state flower of West Virginia and can you correctly spell either without your word processor underlining it in red?
I looked at a big old lazy boy flunking student a few years back and said,” Let me give you three reasons for your poor performance one worse than the next
1. You are clinically depressed and need to better balance your medications.
2. You are a burnout druggie stoner boy.
3. You really are that fucking stupid!
I see where West Virginia is a state that Hilary Clinton is a cinch to dominate. That does not speak well for the demographic of the Mountaineer State. What it means is lots of old white people and lots of uneducated white people many without high school diplomas. That is her base, her metric, to use the current buzz word.
Obama has robbed the Clinton’s of the black vote not because he has soul or can pass the brother hand shake test but rather even half a brother evokes allegiances when the Clinton’s start bringing their lame assed Bubba game.
Yesterday I saw a thirty something black woman in a number 20 Eagles jersey I said "Oh yea a Brian Dawkins fan and Andre Waters, Lem Barney, Billy Simms, Barry Sanders and Wes Hopkins-no wait he was 48-then I couldn’t remember Dawkins anymore and she looked at me like I was daffy but not daffy duck because he is black because Disney has always been racist which is why the black duck is a loony Tune
And what is wrong with Bill Clinton besides the fact that he is angry and bitter and I like seeing unhappy multi millionaires who don’t get what they want I mean how cool is that?