Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Cart before the Horse

My Clockwork orange Under Armour shirt wearing self was walking into Food Lion today when an older man driving one of those electric shopping carts for the handicapped was stuck on the doorway threshold leading into the store.
I came up behind him broke down into my lineman stance and said,”Hold on I got this!” I used short choppy steps over a wide base and pushed him into the store. The cart wouldn’t work so I pushed it over to the side and the guy turned around and said,”Do you want it?”
“I just pushed you and your cart over two obstacles and into a parking spot so what makes you think I can’t walk around the store under my own power,”I asked.
Then I offered him my arm and to take him to his car if he needed assistance. He said,”No, I’m fine,” and just got up and walked away and out the door.
What was that all about?