Thursday, June 26, 2008


Gifted and Gone

The irony and agony of No Child Left Behind legislation is that more middle class kids than ever are bolting public education because their parents don’t want them socializing with anyone who can’t nail down a 3 on a 5 point scale on some test constructed by some nerd in a room somewhere.
And I’ll tell you something else, in spite of a parent’s money if they are analytical blockheads then so is the kid 95 percent of the time.
Separate but Equal public schools have bounced all the way back in urban American and those kids are not left behind but rather lost forever and in most cases unsalvageable.
Why am I thinking about this? Because in my world as “Big Loser Guy” sports reporter I am running into concerned parents who are taking the first opportunity to “choice away” from public school and in a sense it makes me mad although it is none of my business but something distasteful is happening but no one will talk about.
Cultural diversity it’s called in polite conversation, kids of color is another buzz word, but white flight is in plain sight as social groups move and maneuver to avoid other social groups.
The “Urban Left Behinds” may exhibit a lot of loud and distasteful behaviors in the high school classroom and hallways but they ain’t stupid and no matter what whitey tells them “nothing racist going on here” they know their role in society is to break laws use an excess of drugs and alcohol and take no responsibility for their actions because if they do they will be the only ones who care.


C'mon buddy, you know why the public school systems are so messed up. The hippies of the 60s and 70s have been running them for 30 years. They were cultural drop-outs then, and kept dropping out with every politically correct, equal opportunity policy made to minimize competition and emasculate males.

Look around. Are there any true "winners" running public schools today? Nope, with few exceptions they're all losers - nice, kind people - but people who couldn't win a foot race with a penguin.

How did this happen? Parents of the 50s, 60s, and 70s bought the lie of the benefit of consolidation and organized labor for teachers hook, line, and sinker.

The net effect of it all is that no one, not even affluent white kids are getting the education they need to cope in today's culturally diverse marketplace. My friend, we're witnessing the result of social engineering gone awry, and it ain't pretty.

But don't lose heart. Obama will save the day. In the tradition of Jimmy Carter the electorate will realize within a few years just how disasterous it is to elect an empty suit of inept, but nice sounding platitudes.

Sadly, the first minority president will end up "fragged" faster than a gung-ho second looey in the Nam, and geninuely qualified minority candidates will be set back two generations. The elite dems are wringing their hands in gleeful anticipation, and the not-so-elite will be pleased that he gets what he deserved for being so "uppity".

Ain't America great?

The Messenger
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