Monday, July 28, 2008
Don't Ask! Don't Giggle
Don’t Ask! Don’t Giggle!
I just by chance captured this photo from a road race I covered last Saturday in honor of a fallen marine. Three marines with multiple tours of Iraq under their belts ran the 5k but none of them could get to the finish line before Carla the transsexual work in progress.
I love Charlie/ Carla who used to run for that California Club of recovering Heroin addicts. He is a gentle person who wouldn’t hurt anyone and I’d go to war to protect his rights to be a really different kind of cat.
I just wonder if the marine in hot pursuit would say the same thing and if perhaps Charlie/Carla should show up at Advanced PT on Paris Island-in the Springtime- to show them a bit of the rigors of proper training and how you have to be a lot tougher as a grown man in a two piece than a guy who sports a high and tight haircut.
I personally know CIA gay guys and a few WAC’s that were whack before there were summer softball leagues.
You must watch the video produced by the greatest of USA track and Field athletes Carl Lewis and then tell me you would want him in your platoon.