Thursday, July 03, 2008


Extension Ladder Day Saints

Uptown Girl or not who marries Billy Joel with their eyes open, his are big enough to see for two people? That dude could walk the Congo Basin at night without a flashlight.
Now Brinkley’s fifth husband is in open court on the short end-insert pun- of a divorce trial because he preferred Doe-Eyed Girl he discovered working in a Toy Store-I’ll take that one-to Uptown Girl.
Her husband ironically named Peter-ironic in that he had a 3k per month porn site Jones and thought it was a good idea to ‘Choke his Chicken’ for the Hewlett-Packard web cam. “When is somebody going to clean this LCD panel?”
By the way “We didn’t start the Fire” was a stupid Joel hit with world events stolen from a chronology book I stole from the school library years ago. And grand mom Rose told me when I was 14,”You are so smart but unless you get up and learn how to play that stupid blond piano in the corner of the room no one will listen to a dam thing you have to say.”
People have pointed and clicked their way into prison and community disgrace so follow my basic rules of asking the question: “Is this a good idea?” three times knocking down three stop signs before scanning your penis on a piece of classroom hardware then hitting import –doing exaggerated adobe adjustments- then attaching it to a mass email and sending it off into the world of Cyber Creeps just like you. This happened to a school teacher down south who was also a grandfather and deacon in the local church of extension ladder day saints.
A sociology professor of mine 35 years ago told the class “the upper classes are the ones going outside the norms into the realm of taboos and hanging sexual behaviors over the edge.”
I raised my hand,”Hanging exactly what over the edge of exactly what?”
George Barnard Shaw defined a pervert as “A person who only knows one way of doing things?”
No perverts in this story.


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