Saturday, July 19, 2008


Pool Slug

The seven deadly sins are: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride.
The seven parallel and counterbalancing virtues are chastity, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness and humility.
I think it is possible to be a combination of all the sins which if you are honest sounds like more fun than being a balled up and hung up paragon of seven deadly virtues. Where is the fun?
Nuns in the old days sometimes called out students like me as a good for nothing sloth and I thought why not throw in gluttony and lust because once you find one fat assed sloth his bitch is sure to be nearby and they are prideful as well and if you pet one sleeping in the crook of a tree he will instantly become “unwrathed” and start humping your face with steel claws.
Yesterday I went by “the Yacht Club” swimming pool and there he was the omnipresent “pool slug” wallowing in the shallow end sitting on a yellow noodle used in morning aqua size class.
This 60 year old too tan short stepping sloth is at the pool every hour it is open. He just keeps being there-it is all he does. He can’t be Catholic not from my generation because of the sloth/guilt matrix.
How do adults camp-like on a beach- and just sit there?

Joke: A guy is watching Monday night football when there is a knock at the door. He groans, gets up and answers. A slug is on the front porch. The guy uses his thumb and finger to propel the slug into the wet grass.
Three years later on a Monday night it’s the same slothful and gluttonous guy watching football. There is an annoying knock at the door. The guy answers and there is the slug on the front porch. “What the hell was that all about,"the slug queries being a queer slug?

In education it’s called the dead man’s trap. Never reward a person for doing what a dead person can do. "Tyrone just shut up and sit there with your hands folded and don’t bother anybody and we’ll all get along fine.”

The noodle keeps the pool slug from the trap.



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