Friday, September 05, 2008


Macing a Moose

The Minneapolis police outside of the republican convention Thursday night bagged a two legged Moose. I am not sorry, I found the spectacle of some young fat retro hippy hoohie-mama or as my spell checker prefers- hoagie momma-repeatedly maced in the face to be downright funny. Like my grandmother said,-“funny is funny-it ain’t your fault.”
Seriously they told the bitch her chosen career pathway to the convention hall was closed so move or face the consequences “don’t you know?”
This woman wearing a stupid back pack and thin soled cheap shoes was blasted with enough mace to drop the entire offensive line of the Vikings. She went to her knees and then “this side up”, cops did the knobby tire roll over her carcass then went in reverse and did it again. It seemed a bit sadistic but who understands Minnesota humor certainly not me.
I love watching old film of the Chicago police riot outside the Democratic Convention in 1968. I supported Eugene McCarthy so you think I would be appalled or outraged but watching a cop chase a hippy an entire block then into a discount store so he could have the closure and satisfaction of whacking his boney ass across the legs with a night stick is funny.
Demonstrations are part of dissent and are questionable as protected speech when the power structure in armed. Remember the words of the great German sociologist Max Von Weber. “The absence of power is force” in other words, the guys with the clubs usually win the rest of it is just argumentative.



Question - How does destroying plate glass store or office windows demonstrate protest? Are there people who are truly against plate glass windows?

I guess it's always possible that they could actually be destoying their reflective image in the window as a result of low self-esteem or self-image. Perhaps they see glass windows as encouraging global warming since we all know how glass seems to magnify heat. (greenhouse effect?)

Since you're a self-proclaimed liberal and former flower child, I thought you might have the answer.

Peace man,

The Mess
I have never proclaimed myself to be a liberal and hardly a flower child.

I am like an off road toyota totally non aligned
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