Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Wallmart Moms

“Wall mart Moms for Palin” is an expression I heard this morning. I also heard “playing down her Pentecostal past.”
Hey Sarah, in the words of Madeline Kahn while kissing Gene Wilder goodbye at the train station in the movie ‘Young Frankenstein ‘“No tongues!”

I am an adult product of a failed catholic indoctrination but I think for me and most of my heathen friends we never quite could come to grips with the Holy Ghost. He is the most mysterious of the blessed trinity and then there’s god the son who said to his father “the next time someone goes to earth why not have it be you?”

Friends should never go political on each other but some of my friends I find mystifying having gone from 1970’s hippies to new millennium republicans. “How about that Sarah Palin” one Dixie Chick Hater recently said to me and I measured a calm and balanced response before saying “Are you out of your ever loving fucking mind? Do you have any idea how scary she is? “
I listened to FOXX satellite radio yesterday as in Jamie Foxx and it gave a fresh insight into a segment of black America who resent Cross Dressing Giuliani busting on Barack in a convention speech and referencing McCain a panelist said, ”That nigger’s speech was too long.”

Is this a great country or what? Today is vote in the state primary day in Delaware. John Madden, talking about the choice between quarterbacks Kyle Orton and Rex Grossman of the Bears, said, ‘It’s a question of making a choice between the better of two evils.”

And Madden is a billionaire because of his rambling and pointless commentaries. Speaking of mysteries, “how does our culture function and why do we remain the most powerful nation on earth? Maybe it is the Holy Ghost steering the ship of fools.


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