Thursday, October 23, 2008


Dressed to Kill It

You see hank Williams on stage with naked girls and only last week on stage with Palin therefore she pals around with guy who likes to appear with naked women.

My name is Fredman. I am a person named by black men and dressed by gay men and my name rhymes with Palin.” I own a tie or two, not a single suit, I am neurotically committed to only sneakers and white socks and I just don’t care. At times in my past I have worn a shirt and tie and high school girls would comment in complete astonishment, ”you look really nice ”meaning most of the time I am an acceptable non remarkable sort of fellow.
We all know that fat people don’t get the best jobs and polyester people work at Popeye’s and if you must play the part why not look the part say Auto Parts guy with blue striped shirt and name over the pocket. That’s the entire point of the Verizon Network guy who by the way I have grown to hate for no good reason I just hate him!
Personally I find Sarah Palin scary and did from the beginning if I were a state cop in Alaska she would be after my ass and the Asses of my supervisors. A man can just sense those things you know a bitch that doesn’t like him
But spending 150k to upgrade her act from the Dwight Yokel Outdoors action wear catalogue I think is a masterful idea.
Why not? That is her appeal I hate to burst anyone’s bubble but even men holding down the republican base with a hand inside their pants could care less about Palin’s political posturing. It’s all about the ideal woman for them far to the right as possible while still staying in the bed.
My grandmother used to say, “sometimes I am so right that everyone else just needs to shut up.”


Why the Republican Party continues to submit us to candidates who are arrogant without justification is beyond me. A truly frightening person is ignorant, is unaware of his/her ignorance, and believes in their opinions in the face of factual evidence to the contrary. To submit the United States of America to the possibility of a President, 72 yo, 5 yrs as a POW, with a serious history of malignant melanoma,and as his vice president an ill informed citizen who probably can't name tha Cabinet positions, much less the names of the members, who spews forth hate and divisiveness as a daily porridge, is about unpatriotic an act short of treason that I can think of. After 8 years of the Bush entitlement presidency can't we get some brains into the White House. My God, Sarah Palin isn't qualified by any stretch of the imagination for a low level civil service position, much less President. She can't even define correctly the position/duties that she seeks.
Was school that terrible an experience that bright people scare you. I'm talking now to the Republican base, not the real Republicans who know that the real function of their party is to support business and get government out of the way so that they can maximize their profits at the expense of each of us and the planet we live on. Those guys know exactly what they are doing and use the ignorance of the base to achieve their goals. Democracy, they don't believe in Democracy. At least not the one man one vote Democracy I believe in. As evidence look at how many Republican controlled states have passed legislation to limit, restrict, or otherwise diminish the number of eligible voters. The 2000 debacle in Fla. is just one instance with dubious efforts in Ohio in 2004 and Indiana's law to have a photo ID which resulted in old nuns denied the vote. (I know Dave, "Silver Lining".) We are in a battle with business over the heart and soul of this country.
R. Malachy

Women like Sarah Palin scare you because she upsets your world - that is - the world as you have been indoctrined to believe it is. Face it, Freddog, you've been deceived to the point where you can't even recognize a fantastic person when you see one.

My friend, it's time you climb out of the sandbox you call the real world, and grow up. Liberals who don't convert to conservatism by the time they're 40 are latent Peter Pans.

C'mon buddy, you're a big boy now. It's time you start writing like it.

The Messenger
Fredman- I know the only reason that you don't block "The Messenger's" comments is because they are always good for a laugh. The reasons the Republicans picked Sarah Palin as vice president are
1) they assumed that women are so stupid that they would vote for ANY woman in place of Hilary Clinton even though they are polar opposites in every possible way
2) they know that when McCain dies half-way through his term, she is so stupid that they can control her like a puppet even more than they controlled W
3) haven't we always known that brains aren't what most men look for in a woman? Who needs smart for the next 4 years when men can just look at Palin and fantisize about her naked on her bear skin rug while the country goes to hell.
The party of No Child Left Behind should realize that poor Sarah got left behind a long time ago and has gotten where she is because of her looks and those little flirty winks she gives. For God sakes, she is from Alaska where they have to ship in women for all of the horny men who work up there, they has probably never seen anything quite like her before! kelly
What qualifies as 'fantastic' these days? That bar looks awful low. I had a believer run in at the Dunkin Donuts with a neighbor while waiting for coffee; she said, " I love her 'cause she's just like me. I said 'no offense, i like you, you're good people and still a hot babe at 47, but I don't want you a heartbeat away from governing me." And anyone who wants to start the whole 'denigration of small town 'crap, I was born on a chicken farm in Milton. I respect her limited accomplishments, and as someone who works his ass off to work in a business as an executive, I can tell you the 'executive experience' argument is silly,too because it has no bearing on ability to govern. See Bush, George W.
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