Friday, October 24, 2008


Go Granny Go

Twenty five years ago a long term substitute shared a special education room with me at Cape Henlopen High School. His name actually was Rocky and he was an Episcopalian Minister in search of a parish.
This one day he is sitting next to James who always scored in the low range of intelligence on standardized tests but like many from the society of the unsophisticated James had unsuspected and unmapped intelligences.
Once at a football game a kid from another school said to James, “I’ll bet you five dollars Seaford beat Cape.”
James responded,” I don’t want to take you whole paycheck.”
Another time he came into my room and said,”Fredman I just got back my heath test that you helped me study for. Twenty five questions guess how many I got right?”

“I don’t know, twenty one?”
“Three man! Thanks man! How you gonna give somebody a three. Yo man can you figure it out so I can tell my mom what a three is?’”

‘Tell her not to worry it’s more like a 12,”I said, and James came over with a big smile shook my hand and said”Thanks for all you do man.”
Wrap around back to Reverend Rocky next to James. Rocky sits down shoulder to shoulder looks at James and asked,”James when is the last time you cried.”
James responded,” I don’t know, when is the last time you got off?”

Five years ago James was in front of the school to pick up his daughter. He said he wanted to give me a piece of his artwork.
The next day he gave me the penis nose granny character. The writing says, “your granny son is coming home soon good-by granny mother love.”
I asked him what I should do with it and he said “have your wife hang it in the living room.”
And I asked him, “What is with the blue and gold finger nails and penis noses?”
James answer,” It reminds me of all the good times when I was in high school.”
And as he was leaving he turned around and said,”Hey Fredman you are my boy. Don’t you remember---12? Thanks man.”



Why would you post this? You don't see anything wrong with it?

You're losing it, Freddog, if you think James is anything but depraved. And this is the product of what you devoted your life to?

Man, you have to be questioning your purpose, because this is one of the most pathetic rationalizations I have ever seen. If this is the best you can do I feel sorry for you. This is not writing, and it certainly is not chronicaling. James is truly sick, but you are beyond ill for encouraging his perversion via its distribution.

Do you really want this guy anywhere near (in the same county) your granddaughters? May God have mercy on James and you.

The Messenger
You’re enough to make a Quaker quake and Shakers shake with your test book Christianity, you should go back to your mother county. Your type of oppression, thru God is why we fled to Philadelphia in 1676. Remember Sept 11, 1777 was also dark day in our history, the British religious right won the Battle of Brandywine trying to strip our free men of liberty and free thought and why Washington crossed the Delaware.
Rocky was thanking Fredman for helping him be all he could (not all you think he can be). Fredman knows Rocky put in the time and his best is good enough in Freddogg’s world and this is his blog right, muffler? Just cause we don’t fit in your world doesn’t mean you‘re welcome in ours. Mind your own business. I have always enjoyed Freddogg’s view. The list of real people Freddogg blessed, encouraged and armed for life is a testament to God’s mercy……you ass hole. What should we do with “The Messenger”?

Well now. Seems we have hit both ends of the intolerance scale. Let's hear it for diversity, plurality, and tolerance. The Founding Fathers would be proud, in their own way however.
R. Malachy
Turns out that Readfox was a student in my Anthropology class back in suburban Philly from the year 1972.
I agree let's hear it for diversity and tolerance but I wouldn't want anyone to get pleurisy because it hurts when you laugh
Some people have no sense of humor. Thank God we are all different.....
Thanks, dragonladi. You're right.

Happy Halloween!
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