Friday, October 17, 2008


Hail Mary

Image One:Robert as Adult werewolf

Image Two: Father Canice ask Mary for forgiveness.

Young protestant football fans think the Hail Mary is a desperation pass. They have no idea about catholic payer and the holy rosary and buying time back from purgatory.
Back in 1963 a massive study hall in a cafeteria minus food and books at Bishop Egan high school we were being force feed 10 Hail Mary’s, one Our Father and a Glory Be to the Father.
The priest in proctor position was Father Canice, nicknamed The Possum, spoke like James Cagney in the “You Dirty Rat” scene. The possum was a scary sick bitch who could strike with either hand at lightning speed.
He came to the head of the table where I sat with my boys as we all looked straight ahead speaking to each other with our eyes. It was a simple game of who would break first as the tension grew and Canice got more Cagney like with every word that someone was going to crack and not giggle but rather become totally unraveled.
It was poor white boy Robert nicknamed The Werewolf. He cracked and got cracked but the praying went forward unabated and uninterrupted. Was the praying for something-lord give me better reflexes- or to pay homage-thank you for this moment as mine is not to reason why but to do or die and I understand that but dam! “

I’m out! Freddogg

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